Search Result for “the mall group”

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As long as it's a bit better than last year

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 02/01/2022

» It's that time of the year for columnists to suggest what could be in store for the next 12 months. However, things are so unpredictable at the moment even Nostradamus would struggle to come up with a half-decent forecast. Of course Thailand is not immune to the uncertainty although you wouldn't rule out occasional "misappropriation of funds" or to use the correct technical term, "cooking the books."



Some still remember the 5th of November

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/11/2017

» It's been a busy week for contrasting festivals, commencing with Halloween, followed by Loy Krathong, while today some Brits will be marking Guy Fawkes Night commemorating the abortive Gunpowder Plot of 1605.



Thoughts on handling gentlemen of the press

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/04/2015

» The first Saturday in April is officially Hug A Newsman Day, well at least in the US where they have a silly theme for just about every day (pet lovers will be pleased to learn that April 2 was National Ferret Day). It is safe to say that journalists do not receive a hug too often and to be honest, most newshounds don’t look particularly huggable. I am an occasional recipient of a hug from the wife, although admittedly that might mean she has spotted something rather expensive at the mall.