Search Result for “t people”

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Facebook love revives Hun Sen's 'click farm' row

News, AFP, Published on 10/08/2016

» With its regular live broadcasts, routine tirades and daily -- often curiously intimate -- photo posts, the Facebook page of Cambodian strongman Hun Sen has won a remarkable five million fans.



Woman governor in a man's world

News, AFP, Published on 02/08/2016

» Surrounded by male advisers and condescending "mansplainers", Masooma Muradi holds her own against a deep underswell of sexism in a society unaccustomed to women exercising authority.



Refugees in Indonesia tackle life in limbo through schooling

News, AFP, Published on 20/06/2016

» Mahboob Jafari had barely seen the inside of a classroom, let alone taught in one, before he arrived in Indonesia as a refugee fleeing persecution in Afghanistan.



Ali seen as face of 'real Islam'

News, AFP, Published on 07/06/2016

» At a time when Muslims in the United States are facing scorn and bigotry, the late boxing legend Muhammad Ali should be remembered as the true, peaceful face of Islam, residents of his hometown say.


Refugee guides a hit at Berlin museums

News, AFP, Published on 11/05/2016

» Mohamed Al-Subeeh was a senior restorer at Syria's best-known mosaic museum, but as war swept deeper into his province, destroying artefacts and threatening his and his family's lives, he was forced to flee.


Senegal's street-begging children show limits of 'apptivism'

News, AFP, Published on 10/05/2016

» Mamadou is a child beggar wandering the streets of Dakar, perilously darting in and out of traffic as he tries to gather enough money for his Islamic teacher to feed him.


Troubled history at Khmer Rouge stronghold

News, AFP, Published on 04/05/2016

» Standing next to cages that once housed political prisoners, former Khmer Rouge foot soldier Tho Lon gets a surprisingly sympathetic hearing from a clutch of students, despite his work for a regime that wiped out a quarter of Cambodia's population.


Painful letters from the past for 'White Terror' oppression families

News, AFP, Published on 03/05/2016

» Growing up in Taiwan under martial law, Hsu Hsu-mei knew almost nothing about her father, only that he was executed for being a "thought criminal".



Refugee fights his way into Olympics and new life in Brazil

News, AFP, Published on 27/04/2016

» Ferocity may sound like a good thing in martial arts, but when Popole Misenga started training for his Olympic judo team he was, well, too ferocious -- "brutal," one coach says.


Female Sherpas blazing trail for gender

News, AFP, Published on 19/04/2016

» When a deadly avalanche hit Mount Everest a year ago, Pasang Lhamu Sherpa Akita, one of the few Nepali women with expertise in climbing the world's highest peaks, headed straight there to help.