Search Result for “suicide attack”

Showing 41 - 50 of 61



Plans to fight terror lacking

News, Editorial, Published on 25/11/2015

» The wave of terrorism in recent days has been horrific. The Paris attacks killed at least 129 and shattered many hundreds of lives of the wounded and the victims' families. Similarly, a bloody attack on a hotel in Bamako, Mali, killed 27 but harmed far more. In the Middle East and in the Philippines, extremist groups beheaded a Norwegian, a Chinese citizen and a Malaysian because their families could not raise the money to ransom them.



Perils of social media

News, Editorial, Published on 21/11/2015

» A series of falsehoods and careless postings that have spread through social media during the week should serve as a reminder of how important it is for users to be careful of what they decide to post online.



No city is safe while Syria war drags on

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 16/11/2015

» Although many details concerning the attacks that killed more than 120 people in Paris on Friday night remain unknown, Islamic State appears to have claimed responsibility. France and all other countries taking part in the Syrian conflict should keep in mind Russia's recent experience with this kind of terrorism: it won't cease until the epicentre is dealt with.



A deadly combination

News, Postbag, Published on 29/10/2015

» Re: “Using religion to polarise”, (Editorial, Oct 28).


Deadly bombing attack not enough to unify polarised country

News, Tim Arango, Published on 14/10/2015

» After the deadliest terrorist attack in modern Turkish history, world leaders including the pope, President Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth II and others offered condolences to a grieving nation.


Nation mourns as innocents slain

News, Mark Hughes, Published on 19/08/2015

» You won't recognise him. His face is swathed in bandages. That's when top Bangkok surgeons are not trying to rebuild his profile, a process that will take far longer than you'd care to imagine, distraught as you must be. Rest assured, he'll be kept away from mirrors for weeks.


How terrorism will lead to IS downfall

News, Noah Feldman, Published on 27/07/2015

» Turkey's airstrikes against Islamic State (IS) and its decision to allow US warplanes to operate from its air bases are in direct response to terrorist attacks in the Turkish town of Suruc earlier in the week. The cause-and-effect relationship highlights what's becoming a central strategic dilemma for Islamic State.



The big issue: The Hezbollah plots

Alan Dawson, Published on 03/05/2015

» Across Bangkok, there are dozens of offices, unmarked and unbillboarded, with unlisted telephone numbers and extensions, trying to reach the perfect ratio of attracting no attention whatsoever while committing maximum, preferably violent harm on a small number of human targets.



Ripping up the nation

News, Published on 21/03/2015

» Re: “Court accepts Yingluck rice case for trial”, (BP, March 19).


US hubris has real-world consequences

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 23/12/2014

» The Interview is based on a deeply-flawed conceit rooted in American exceptionalism: that a film about the killing a leader for the fun of it is funny as long as the target is unpopular and foreign.