Search Result for “submarines”

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There have probably been better years

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/12/2021

» Well we've just about scraped through the Year of the Ox. It was a strange time, rather like living in a vacuum, not entirely sure what would happen next. Nothing could have been worse than 2020, but 2021 wasn't far off. At the start of the year there was hope that the cloud of Covid could be shaken off and we would all become happy folks in the Land of Smiles again, but it didn't quite work out that way -- it's the hope that kills you.


It could be fun, in a strange sort of way

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/01/2021

» A number of readers -- well, three -- have asked why last week's column did not contain the usual predictions for the coming year. My feeling at the time was that with the dark cloud of Covid-19 hovering over us it seemed a bit inappropriate to carry the usual frivolous PostScript predictions. However, I have had a change of heart and considering we are only 10 days into the New Year it is not too late to make silly forecasts.



And the award goes to … not these films

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/03/2018

» It's Oscar time again and as usual Hollywood is ignoring exciting Thai productions. Here are a few that caught the eye:



A look back at another 'amazing' year

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 31/12/2017

» It is customary at this time of the year to take a not too serious look back on the past 12 months, although there are some events you may well prefer to forget. If nothing else it will serve as a reminder that Thailand will always be Truly Amazing.