Search Result for “students”

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Eligible / Ineligible

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 06/10/2010

» allowed by rules or laws to do something or to receive something / not allowed by rules or laws to do something or to receive something



A danger to free speech

Database, Published on 06/10/2010

» He may not know it, but Sen Patrick Leahy either greatly admires the Ministry of Internet Censorship of Thailand (MICT) and has decided to ape it, lock, stock and barrel, or he has accidentally re-invented the MICT wheel of Internet blockage; he introduced and pushed a bill that would do to almost all the Internet what the MICT only does to Thailand - block all access to numerous websites because they are harmful to national security; Sen Leahy and his many backers and admirers aren't talking about evil Thaksin and making fun of Abhisit, of course, they are talking about the evil digital piracy that makes fun of Hollywood and Microsoft; just like the Thai law, the Leahy bill would force all Internet service providers up and down the food chain to block access for the whole world to any site that facilitates piracy - no trial, no formal charges, and in this bill, no definition so far of "facilitates piracy"; the Electronic Frontier Foundation calls the Leahy bill "a danger to freedom of speech," but everyone knows the wimpy EFF always politely understates the obvious.


Wake-up call to preserve our planet

Learningpost, Kantanach Chayapong, Published on 05/10/2010

» Biodiversity is life. Biodiversity is our life. This was what United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated at the start of this year's International Year of Biodiversity.


Muic wins 6th EU-Thai Debate

Learningpost, Purich Trivitayakhun, Published on 05/10/2010

» Once again, a student team from Mahidol University International College (Muic) has won a top prize. This time, it was the grand champion award at the 6th European Union-Thailand National Inter-Varsity Debate Championship 2010.


'Diplomats' feel the fire

Learningpost, Purich Trivitayakhun, Published on 05/10/2010

» In the Vithes Samosorn room at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 24 Thai university students convened recently in Bangkok to showcase their oratorical and diplomatic skills and to expound on sustainable development among Asem countries.


Take stock and act

Learningpost, Steve Graham, Published on 05/10/2010

» Looking at the sums of money that the government has allocated to spend on upgrades and research, they look more like a list of telephone numbers than the millions of baht they are supposed to represent.



Neuroscience and Education

Learningpost, Published on 05/10/2010

» In the past, it was believed that children were born with preset neurons that were inherited from their parents. For instance, if the parents were good at mathematics, it was believed that the children, too, would automatically be good mathematics learners. However, we know today that that notion might not be completely accurate.


Getting to know Bangkok

Learningpost, Purich Trivitayakhun, Published on 05/10/2010

» One Saturday afternoon last month, Chatraporn Sampansapawa, 11, a Prathom 5 (Grade 5) student at Wat Rachdatithan School, and a couple of her peers met with a large press delegation at the Vimanmek Mansion in the compound of Dusit Palace.



Learningpost, Timothy Cornwall, PHD, DTM, Published on 05/10/2010

» Why is vocabulary so important? The simple reason is that words are fascinating, and they constitute a complete history of the ideas people throughout history have considered important enough to name.


Teaching in the mother tongue

Spectrum, Supara Janchitfah, Published on 03/10/2010

» Waeyousoh Sama-ali started his career in education in 1964 in a remote village of Pattani, assigned to teach at the kindergarten level. The education system at that time was heavily influenced by the nationalistic policies put in place by Field Marshal Plaek Phibulsonggram in 1941, as well as the 1961 Education Act passed during the regime of Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat.