Search Result for “students”

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Learning to deal with disorders

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 05/03/2013

» For parents, children's school reports mean a lot. Those whose kids come home with straight As gloat proudly while those presented with less-than-perfect report cards feel a range of emotions _ disappointment, anger, worry or even fear.


Happiness at the bottom

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 10/07/2012

» I recently had a chance to join a forum about how parents should prepare themselves and their children for the upcoming AEC 2015, organised by Modern Mom.



Nursery necessary?

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 15/05/2012

» Ever since I got pregnant, many friends have warned me that I had to start thinking about my baby's future school as soon as he's born. They also filled me in with their personal anecdotes on school hunting and the ridiculous amount of "tea money" required by certain popular schools, or even kindergarten schools.


Keeping a less watchful eye

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 17/04/2012

» My son will soon bid farewell to the safe abode of home (for half a day) and don the kindergarten student uniform, entering an unfamiliar territory. Choosing the right school for my son was a complicated experience and gave me more headache than I could possibly imagine.


Outsmarting the 'smart' label

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 21/02/2012

» I had a chance to attend a seminar organised by Abbott Thailand recently under the topic "Nutrition for your children's sustainable brain development". The most interesting thing I got from it was not the useful information on nutrition, but a very interesting sentence delivered by one of the speakers, Dr Nalinee Cherwanidchakorn, a developmental and behavioural paediatrician. It was a question I wish someone had bothered to ask me when I was little.