Search Result for “students”

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A practical guide to reopening schools

News, Nicha Pittayapongsakorn, Published on 16/02/2022

» The closure of schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic has severely affected millions of students countrywide, causing them to miss many on-site classes over the past two years. A number of research works point to the adverse impact of long-time school closures on children, in terms of learning, mental health, and lost opportunities. A team of researchers led by Suchart Kilenthong of the Thai Chamber of Commerce University found that closing schools takes a heavy toll on kindergarteners, for example. Each missed day of school means they lose 98% of that day's learning. This means that home schooling in Thailand cannot compete with going to school.



'Education sandbox': Reforming the way to reform

News, Nicha Pittayapongsakorn, Published on 25/04/2018

» Public education is sensitive to policy interventions, often with unintended consequences. Some changes such as an increase in teacher rewards or a tweak in curriculum design can cause a long-lasting effect on how schools operate, how teachers teach and ultimately how students learn.



Shifting the Thai education paradigm

News, Nicha Pittayapongsakorn, Published on 10/01/2018

» Preparing youngsters for the 21st century is one of the major challenges of any education system. The Thai education system is struggling to carry out this mission despite countless reform attempts. Is there any alternative view to look at this issue and what are the new strategies for changing the system?