Search Result for “students”

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Real loan lessons

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 06/08/2018

» Education and morality are not a given duo package. It infuriates me to write this, but apparently, having a good education by no means ensures that a person will turn out to have more-or-less sound morals. Which is ironic, because shouldn't all that education have gotten it across somewhere that paying for your education bills is what makes for some of the most basic requirements to being a decent human being?


Information overload

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 29/05/2017

» The floods that come with this month's seasonal rain is a hassle for many, but I came across a post on social media that makes the entire situation look like a five-star daydream.


A world without newspapers

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 01/08/2016

» Our HR guy tells the straying university students that have a field trip to our office that the future of newspapers could possibly include aromas and 3D. Actually, the latter part already came into fruition with one of our wrap ads, where 3D glasses also were included with the paper for readers to see a particular image. This wasn't a gimmick to bring their attention back to the podium, but a genuine sense of hope, with perhaps a dash of fantasy, that something of the sort would materialise one day. It sounds like a Roald Dahl daydream, but I myself couldn't help but to imagine along how wondrous it would be if I could actually inhale the aroma of the reviewed dishes while reading Friday's food reviews.


Education begins at home

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 08/09/2015

» Only a few days ago, a Hungarian childhood friend sent me a YouTube link of the "Hitler in Thailand" segment on Last Week Tonight With John Oliver. She was curious if its content, that Thai students used Hitler as motifs and themes, was true, to which I had to cringingly admit that it was. Then, last Friday, Coconuts Bangkok published an article discussing why it seems that international kids who grow up in Thailand don't speak Thai. It appears to be the same kind of problem that emerges from two opposite poles: that Thai-educated kids don't know anything about the Western world, and international school-educated kids don't know anything about their own country. 


The real cost of a higher minimum wage

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/06/2015

» With the growing economy, there are a large number of new condominiums and office building projects popping up around the city, whirring with labourers like numberless worker ants in the pit. In such a climate where Satan himself would feel at home, one cannot help but feel sorry and blessed at the same time — sorry for the workers in such conditions and blessed that you are not one of them. One might ask whether the 300 baht minimum wage justifies the working conditions that these poor souls face and one would be right and humanitarian to think as such.



Filling in the pages of history

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 30/04/2015

» I roll my eyes so hard I can practically see the back of my brain. My 16-year-old tutee, Jag, hasn't the faintest idea of the difference between World War I and World War II. I don't think I'm going to let him off the hook — by this age he should at least have some rough idea about two of the most crucial turning points in modern history.


Cracking over the papers

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 02/04/2013

» I would be strutting down Bangkok's crappy pavements in posh footwear and sipping expensive tea every day by now had I said yes to some things a few months ago. Namely, writing CVs, statements of purpose, essays and dissertations for graduate students.


The best lessons are in a class of their own

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 10/01/2013

» With the audacious daydream that I might be able to change the world through one kid at a time, I tutor during the weekends. I honestly really fear for the future of (Thai) mankind, so I drag myself out of bed every Sunday morning and try to give my students what their clearly lacking schools fail to.