Search Result for “state forest”

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Will the Empire strike back at the Skywalkers?

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 17/12/2019

» The dark spectre of street politics has returned to a deeply polarised society, as the ruling conservatives try to hold on to their unstable coalition over a feast of shark fin soup.



The 'face of govt' is now turning into a liability

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 26/11/2019

» The government must have thought they possessed a lethal weapon in firebrand MP Pareena Kraikupt. After all, she is fierce, fearless and also appeared morally as well as intellectually flexible enough to mount attacks with logic, or a total lack thereof, as long as it served her purpose of riling her opponents.



Doi Suthep could spell end for regime

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 01/05/2018

» The Doi Suthep housing and office project has pushed Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha and his military regime into a tight corner where his attempt to return to power could be at stake.



Standing still on the road to nowhere

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 24/04/2018

» Ever wonder why Thailand can't do anything about its taxis? Or overpriced lotteries? Or illegal motorcycle racing? Why do cab drivers continue to reject customers, even dump them mid-way through a journey whenever they feel like it? Why can't the authorities tackle the problems?



Doi Suthep exposes state hypocrisy

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 10/04/2018

» It's a rare reversal of roles but the judiciary seems to have found itself on the other side of the bench in the court of public opinion with its decision to build a one-billion-baht housing and office project at the foot of the forested Doi Suthep mountain in Chiang Mai.



Amendment to cyber law is very dicey

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 20/12/2016

» Living in Thailand can be like playing dice. Is there a chance you will be assaulted or shot at while caught in a traffic jam? Possibly. Will a taxi break the law and refuse to pick you up? It happens all the time. How about being trapped if an illegally modified building collapses or catches fire? Not beyond the imagination.



Wielding too much power can backfire

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 18/11/2014

» So what’s next? Banning The Hunger Games: Mockingjay from being screened here? Summoning Jennifer Lawrence for coming up with the three-finger salute that could provoke a real-life rebellion in “District Thailand?” Forcing people to listen to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s monotonous briefings all day long?



Three reasons for doubting Plodprasop

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 24/09/2013

» If Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has some good reasons why she lets Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi supervise the crucial, 350-billion-baht flood prevention scheme, I would like to hear them.