Search Result for “southern”

Showing 11 - 20 of 28



The Big Issue: An unwelcome visitor

Alan Dawson, Published on 21/02/2016

» Just before Christmas 2014, a United States Embassy attache in Bangkok received a phone call. The caller told him that an American man who was known to have sexually abused a 14-year-old boy in Pattaya had contacted the youth via Facebook to try to score another sexual date six months ahead.



The big issue: Sacred space

Alan Dawson, Published on 24/01/2016

» Muang district of Pattani is one of Thailand’s loveliest provincial capitals, and of course one of its least visited, what with the inconvenient war and all.



The big issue: Looking away

Alan Dawson, Published on 17/01/2016

» At 1.30am on Oct 11, more than 100 masked soldiers, police and militia raided a house in Kolo Tanyong village near Pattani province’s northern coast.



The big issue: The man in the yellow T-shirt

Alan Dawson, Published on 23/08/2015

» Police and the public know pretty much everything about the life of the man in the yellow T-shirt. Everything, that is, for the 20 minutes of that vile life between 6.38pm and 6.58pm last Monday.



The big issue: The goats of August

Alan Dawson, Published on 26/07/2015

» Army officers approached Sama-ae Thanam in his Yala prison cell last month, according to the former Pulo terrorist. He quickly agreed to their proposal to support government-sponsored peace moves in exchange for breathing the free air of the deep South — not because they were extra persuasive, but rather because he had been thinking over his support of violence for a long time.



The big issue: Man with a history

Alan Dawson, Published on 07/06/2015

» Whoever writes the script for the movie of his life — which, by the way, someone definitely should do — will have to tone it down a bit or many viewers won’t believe that just one man has done what three-star Gen Manas Kongpan has done.



The big issue: Nice talking to you

Alan Dawson, Published on 07/12/2014

» Winston Churchill referred to the "riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma". He was speaking of the actions of Russia as World War II began, but his colourful phrase doesn't do half justice to the deep South of Thailand.



The big issue: Are we graft-busting yet?

Alan Dawson, Published on 30/11/2014

» The charges allege that Thailand's most admired crime fighter, former Central Investigation Bureau chief Pongpat Chayapan, used his influence and a gang of insiders to run a massive corruption-and-violence operation. They allege the gang made so much money they literally could not spend it, and had to hoard it.



The Big Issue: Cleansing the deep South

Alan Dawson, Published on 13/04/2014

» The week before Songkran was no holiday for Yala. The provincial capital was hit by coordinated bomb attacks on Sunday, and more on Monday. The large, destructive bombs killed one person and wounded 28. Clearly, the attacks had goals other than murder.



The big issue: Passports for sale

Alan Dawson, Published on 16/03/2014

» Brief relief from the serious disappearance and search for Malaysian Airlines flight 370 came in the revelation that two passengers were carrying passports stolen long ago in Phuket.