Search Result for “social media”

Showing 71 - 80 of 94


Legalisation of casinos is no black and white issue

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 26/06/2015

» Do you gamble? If you say you never gamble, then you belong in a tiny minority of the human race. But I bet you have loved ones who gamble.



Migrants' plight brings out the worst of Thai psyche

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 22/05/2015

» It would be an understatement to say Thailand is sitting between a rock and a hard place in dealing with the Rohingya crisis. As first port of call for the human smuggling networks, the country serves as a springboard for the migrants to travel to a third country, most likely Malaysia or Indonesia.



Harmful projects wipe out all of nature's hard work

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 24/04/2015

» At the Earth Summit in 1992, a 12-year-old girl stood at the podium before a roomful of international delegates and gave one of the most memorable speeches on the state of our world at the time.



Petroleum concession debate subsides ... at least for now

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 27/02/2015

» The fury surrounding the protest against petroleum concessions has subsided, at least for now, following Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's decision to postpone the 21st round of bidding scheduled for March 16.


Govt, business alliances silence locals' voices

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 31/01/2015

» The more things change, the more they seem to stay the same. Except, this time, it is even more of the same than before. Let me elaborate.


Energy activists jump for joy but the battle’s not over

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 16/01/2015

» Two pieces of energy news in two weeks have had energy reform advocates practically dancing in the street. Social media has been abuzz with celebratory postings and comments.



Centralising power won't solve plague of corruption

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 05/09/2014

» ML Panadda Diskul stirred up a hornet's nest when he suggested that some local administrations could not be trusted to spend taxpayers' money.


Street vendor culture can't be stamped out overnight

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 22/08/2014

» The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) made a big splash when soldiers moved on to Phuket's world-class Patong Beach and moved out vendors who had turned the beautiful shoreline into a public nuisance and major eyesore.



Bribe row gives media chance to reclaim its mission

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 25/07/2014

» During the past week, the media has been hit by a double whammy that virtually turned its world upside down.


Accountability, not the death sentence, is the answer

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 11/07/2014

» For a long time, I struggled with the question of whether capital punishment should be taken off the books. Could it be morally justified in modern society?