Search Result for “social media”

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Black Panther is stylistic substance

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 19/02/2018

» Having been in a movie black hole of sorts for the past few months, I was completely oblivious to what the movie Black Panther is, when my best friend suggested we go see it. The only thing I knew was that it would be a Marvel movie featuring a cast made up of a majority of African-Americans and Africans. This, of course, is rarer than a blue moon, and was enough to pique my interest. Fine by me. In fact, I would be most intrigued to watch a superhero film where the black guy isn't the sidekick or someone likely to get shot within the first 12 seconds.


Information overload

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 29/05/2017

» The floods that come with this month's seasonal rain is a hassle for many, but I came across a post on social media that makes the entire situation look like a five-star daydream.


How not to get Carried away

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 13/02/2017

» If you've ever fantasised about living the life of your favourite TV/movie character, I will tell you right here and now: don't, because it's hardly as fun as it seems. I have wanted to be Carrie Bradshaw all my life and now that I have morphed into her, thanks to a recent trip to New York City, it's a Sex And The City nightmare -- guy with commitment issues included.


Blame the media, but not completely

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 19/01/2016

» Mums sure know best. Of all the motherly guidance that has been etched into my consciousness, a particular adage has never remained more timeless and timely. It was the very first lesson she drilled into me when I started to watch television at the age of three. When the commercial break from the cartoons kicked in, so did an earful from her: All advertisements are a sham. 


Clean, lean and everything in between 

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 09/10/2015

» As a person who follows the self-sprinkled mantra of I-will-eat-whatever-the-hell-I-want, I have never been one to obsess over what I put into my mouth. If I want a cookie at midnight, with a side of chips, I am going to go stuff my face -- sans any guilt or calorie-counting. My heaven-sent gift of rapid-fire digestion is a side effect of being diagnosed with hyperthyroidism -- something that has unfortunately been slowing down since I have plummeted deeper into adulthood. 


A culture of mindless excessiveness

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 06/08/2015

» Just a few weeks ago, I discovered Ik Junoon (Paint It Red), an infectiously catchy song that played in the 2011 Bollywood flick Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. I've obviously been in a black hole of sorts to miss this instantly popular song and hit road trip movie, but it still wasn't the song that left the most lasting impression. Only when I actually looked at the YouTube screen as I was listening to the music was I blown away by the visuals that accompanied the ambient house music. 


The most tempting taro of all

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 30/10/2014

» It's official: being nosy is now an attribute Thai people have willingly added to their biodata. We even have a particular word to soften it. The crude Thai slang suak, meaning irritably meddling and snooping in the most repugnant manner, has been given a curse-free incarnation, so people can use the word more openly and flagrantly. To avoid sounding boorish, people now say puak, which still sounds like the original slang word, but actually means "taro".   


Robbing from the rich, but giving to whom?

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 26/09/2014

» Life has meaning again, now that Downton Abbey has returned to our TV screens, its fifth season beginning last Sunday. Its otherworldly visuals continue to draw me in, with the upstairs goings-on of the aristocrats and the downstairs drama among the servants still as captivating as ever. I actually have to remind myself every time I watch an episode that people from another continent in this world of ours actually lived like this less than 100 years ago: that cooks had to dine separately from the rest of the servants in a stately home; that members of the upper class changed clothes as often as five times a day; that it was inconceivable that a proper lady or gentleman would have to perform actual work to earn a living.


L is the loneliest letter

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 19/06/2014

» The Google doodle that greeted me upon turning on my computer three days ago could not have encapsulated my life, in animated cartoon form, any better.


Warning: spoilers ahead

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 16/05/2014

» The world never ceases to find new ways to harass our emotional well-being every day. Because I am only human, the pain that comes along with tax papers and sold-out avocados is now also extended to stumbling across TV-series, movie and book spoilers. And those abhorrent things are practically diving towards us from every possible direction, what with the internet and smartphones inextricably entwined with our daily lives.