Search Result for “risks”

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'I sold the piano and bought a camera'

Spectrum, Published on 03/12/2017

» Journalism requires taking risks beyond the regular (and sometimes legal) call of duty. When breaking news happens or an injustice is found lurking in the shadows, journalists are often the first ones there to shed light on the stories that impact society's most marginalised. It requires a deep passion for sharing people's stories with the rest of the world.



Washington pulling back from the world

News, Peter Apps, Published on 04/04/2016

» For many in the US, the attacks on Brussels must have felt like more of the same. Once again, militants struck, the systems designed to stop them failed and all the blood and treasure of 15 years of "war on terror" appear more wasted than ever.



Guarded hopefulness

Asia focus, Published on 16/11/2015

» John Micklethwait is a newspaper man seized by fear and hope for the future of journalism. To be sure, "newspaper man" is a bit of an anachronistic description for the new editor-in-chief at Bloomberg News, where no ink is spilled on paper. Across 325,000 Bloomberg terminals, headlines splash upon screens in seconds, bumping stale events much faster than one wraps fish with yesterday's page one.



Debasing the US TIP report

News, Editorial, Published on 14/07/2015

» Alarming reports are coming from Washington about the highly anticipated Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report. It seems that US officials have been ordered to promote Malaysia from Tier 3, the bottom ranking where Thailand was controversially placed last year. The reports - not denied by US officials - say Malaysia's rise back to Tier 2 was for purely political reasons, because President Barack Obama needs Malaysia's support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations.