Search Result for “regulation”

Showing 751 - 760 of 761


Bond markets driving financial integration

News, Published on 20/03/2012

» Development and integration of financial markets have long been an important topic both for financial markets and for policy makers in Asia.


Time for stricter curbs on corporate gifts

News, Published on 14/03/2012

» Revelations that a firm offered an iPhone in a New Year's gift basket to the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission last week has drawn public attention to the regulating agency.


A uniform way of thinking

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 05/03/2012

» Once in a while the subject of uniforms pops up again in the news as an issue of debate among people of different generations. Last time it was how young university girls would practically starve themselves to fit into the SSS size which looked as if it would only fit a Barbie doll.



Subverting the women's fund

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 23/02/2012

» Help the mother, and you help her whole family. Who can argue with that? Why then has the 7.7-billion-baht Women's Fund got the thumbs-down from many women's rights groups and legal experts? The answer lies in their common concern regarding abuse for political gain. This is a real concern.


Stop cheating flood victims

News, Published on 18/02/2012

» After repeatedly expressing her concern for the plight of those whose homes and livelihoods were ruined by last year's great flood, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has understandably moved on. The focus now is on the huge and costly infrastructure projects, so beloved by politicians, which are supposed to stop such a calamity from recurring. But, in the rush to launch these new schemes, let us not forget that there are still those who are struggling to put their lives back together after the ravages of nature were compounded by shabby treatment from the government and private sector.



Rural doctors aren't helping

News, Published on 09/02/2012

» The Rural Doctors Society has done the country a favour with its reminder that there are Thais who would have trouble scraping together 30 baht even in an emergency. But the group has gone much too far in its attempt to take the side of the rural poor in the healthcare system.


For pan-Asian peace, a Pax Pacifica

News, Published on 09/02/2012

» While good relations between China and the United States are critical to Asia's future, this does not mean the region will become a Sino-American duopoly. The concept of a "G2" is never going to fly in Asia.


Bikers in Bangkok don't bother with rules

News, Published on 08/02/2012

» The safety issue regarding motorcycles is complicated by one serious problem. I refer to the flagrant abuse of traffic laws and good sense.


Safety is not an accident

News, Published on 28/01/2012

» Some cultures in the developed world have become so obsessed with safety awareness that they seem to have lost sight of common sense. It is hard to know what to make of reported bans on skipping ropes and knitting needles. The warning on a packet of peanuts that it "contains nuts" is one example of the abundance of pointless and seemingly needless cautionary signs stating the obvious.


Thailand Inc gets creative about debt

News, Wichit Chantanusornsiri, Published on 26/01/2012

» As any chief executive officer knows, the success or failure of an investment project or business strategy depends in part on accurate data. A misplaced calculation, an overlooked expense or unrealistic projections can make all the difference between a profit and a loss.