Search Result for “red-shirts”

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'King of fruits' is nothing to sniff at

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/06/2021

» Most people who have a functioning hooter will be well aware we are in the middle of the durian season. I got a timely reminder when my wife returned triumphantly from a day trip to the orchards of Nakhon Nayok last weekend laden with what is called the "king of fruits''. It is also the smelliest of fruits, prompting a brisk trade in T-shirts bearing the message "tastes like heaven and smells like hell".


The girl from the Black Country

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/03/2020

» My thanks to readers who pointed out that Janice Nicholls, who featured in last week's column, did not have a Brummie accent at all, but a Black Country lilt, hailing from Wednesbury, just west of Birmingham.



Let me hear those balalaikas ringing out

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 09/07/2017

» It's not often I can remember where I was four days ago, let alone four decades, but 40 years ago this week I was standing in a very damp Red Square in Moscow.



A job guaranteed to create a stink

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/06/2017

» You may recall a recent PostScript column concerning unusual occupations which featured "odour sniffers'' who have the delightful job of sniffing human armpits to check whether a deodorant is doing its job. I did not realise that professional sniffers are in such demand. Last week it was announced that Thailand's Pollution Control Department had recruited 167 "smell assessors'' to sniff out factories responsible for some of the more malodourous emissions that upset citizens.


As Sinatra would put it, 'doo-be-doo-be-doo'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/10/2014

» Following last week's column concerning singers who hated their biggest hits, several readers rightly pointed out a major omission was that of 'Ol' Blue Eyes' himself, Frank Sinatra, and Strangers in the Night.


When whistling could be music to the ears

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/01/2014

» When all this stuff in Bangkok is finally over _ if it ever is _ there are going to be tens of thousands of people with a full command of that popular unmusical instrument, the whistle. But when the whistle-blowing stops, what are they going to do? They can't all become football referees. And most of those other cherished whistling jobs, such as train guards or car park attendants, already have long waiting lists. So we are going to have on our hands an awful lot of extremely frustrated whistle blowers.


It could be a year of whistling in the dark

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/01/2014

» I hope everyone has survived the funny hats and hangovers season. I won't complain if I don't hear that ''Happy New Mia'' joke for a while, or Frosty the Snowman for that matter.



In the limelight - reluctantly

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/07/2012

» Not for the first time, U-tapao has found itself thrust into the spotlight, on this occasion over the proposed Nasa climate research project, which has now, as the Americans might put it, gone ''down the tubes''.



It could all be pretty amazing again

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/01/2012

» I trust everyone is holding up well at the height of the funny hats and hangovers season. In a few days it will be back to grim reality _ hangovers without the hats. And I won't complain if I don't hear that ''happy new mia'' Thai joke for a while.