Search Result for “red-shirt leader”

Showing 81 - 90 of 408



About Politics

News, Published on 11/02/2017

» Suthep is not commenting on the latest reconciliation efforts, which is puzzling many v Government spokesman Lt Gen Sansern ruffles feathers over South flood disaster v Another delay in the election is not stopping political manoeuvring



Jatupat bail veto a puzzle

News, Editorial, Published on 13/01/2017

» Last Sunday, student activist Jatupat "Pai Dao Din" Boonpattararaksa had another bail request denied. Among more than 2,000 social media posters of a BBC Thai article on the monarchy, Mr Jatupat is the only person who was charged with lese majeste and computer crime. First, he got bail. Then, his bail was revoked and his subsequent bail requests denied -- on the grounds that he posted a new brief Facebook message seen as "ridiculing state power without fear of the law" and that he failed to delete the shared BBC story from his wall. He has been locked up since Dec 22.



Time ripe for PM to revisit amnesty plan

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 06/01/2017

» After having been rejected and buried many times, the idea of granting an amnesty to those involved in political violence in past years has emerged again. This time the bid comes from Suchon Chaleekrea, a member of the National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA), who proposes an amnesty be granted to those charged with minor offences during political unrest, excluding major crime and lese majeste offenders.



A complicated man

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 11/09/2016

» He was no man for all seasons so much as a man of many faces.



Open debate on the draft charter is critical

News, Suranand Vejjajiva, Published on 27/07/2016

» As the nation rounds the last corner towards the Aug 7 constitutional referendum, the outcome remains uncertain and the aftermath worrisome.



Dangerous militarisation of Thai justice

News, Published on 29/06/2016

» More than two years since the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) staged a coup, the military regime continues to justify its grip on power by running the systematic militarisation of law and the judicial process against its critics, political dissidents and ordinary citizens, according to a recent report by the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights. In doing so, the military has created its own versions of law and manipulated the entire justice process, depriving civilians of their rights to fair trial and violating their rights to freedoms of expression.



Let's have a swift charter clause ruling

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 10/06/2016

» The ongoing debate over the referendum on the draft constitution, with each side presenting its side of story, has started to confuse me as to what all the fuss is about.



About politics

News, Published on 21/05/2016

» Pheu Thai feels it needs a makeover, and Sudarat is tipped to lead it v Though still a draft, a hand-crafted print version of the charter is being transcribed v Abhisit makes political capital in red territory while the atmosphere is subdued



Heal the rift, don't widen it

News, Editorial, Published on 10/05/2016

» A panel of the military-appointed National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) has made yet another attempt to restore national unity through forgiveness. Once again, the proposal is bound to fail. Worse, the reform panel's proposal will make the political divide both deeper and wider. Before the committee could even make its official proto-amnesty proposal to the nation, red-shirt leaders were complaining to the media that it was one-sided, in favour of the old yellow-shirt movement, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD).



About Politics

News, Published on 30/04/2016

» Muan Maha Prachachon lays a firm political foundation for the NCPO v Nepal's move to hold a major Buddhist event is shrouded in suspicion over its motives v Internal dissent over its charter draft stance is troubling the Democrat Party