Search Result for “rates”

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How tiny Costa Rica gets it right

News, Joseph Stiglitz, Published on 15/05/2018

» With authoritarianism and proto-fascism on the rise in so many corners of the world, it is heartening to see a country where citizens are still deeply committed to democratic principles. And now its people are in the midst of trying to redefine their politics for the twenty-first century.



Why tax cuts for rich solve nothing

News, Joseph Stiglitz, Published on 01/08/2017

» Although America's right-wing plutocrats may disagree about how to rank the country's major problems -- for example, inequality, slow growth, low productivity, opioid addiction, poor schools, and deteriorating infrastructure -- the solution is always the same: lower taxes and deregulation, to "incentivise" investors and "free up" the economy. President Donald Trump is counting on this package to make America great again.


New realities shape young minds

News, Joseph Stiglitz, Published on 28/03/2016

» Something interesting has emerged in voting patterns on both sides of the Atlantic: young people are voting in ways that are markedly different from their elders. A great divide appears to have opened up, based not so much on income, education or gender as on the voters' generation.



Wealth gap ushers in premature deaths

News, Joseph Stiglitz, Published on 12/12/2015

» This week, Angus Deaton will receive the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics “for his analysis of consumption, poverty and welfare”. Deservedly so. Indeed, soon after the award was announced in October, Mr Deaton published some startling work with Ann Case in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences — research that is at least as newsworthy as the Nobel ceremony.


Young Americans 'Fed Up' with country's economy

News, Joseph Stiglitz, Published on 16/09/2015

» At the end of every August, central bankers and financiers from around the world meet in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, for the US Federal Reserve's economic symposium. This year, the participants were greeted by a large group of mostly young people, including many African- and Hispanic-Americans.


Secular stagnation setting in

News, Joseph Stiglitz, Published on 18/02/2014

» Soon after the global financial crisis erupted in 2008, I warned that unless the right policies were adopted, Japanese-style malaise — slow growth and near-stagnant incomes for years to come — could set in. While leaders on both sides of the Atlantic claimed that they had learned the lessons of Japan, they promptly proceeded to repeat some of the same mistakes. Now, even a key former United States official, the economist Larry Summers, is warning of secular stagnation.


ECB's stance on Greece is 'peculiar'

News, Joseph Stiglitz, Published on 08/02/2012

» Nothing illustrates better the political crosscurrents, special interests and shortsighted economics now at play in Europe than the debate over the restructuring of Greece's sovereign debt.