Search Result for “protest”

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Sexism is the weapon of choice for the truly cowardly

News, Pavin Chachavalpongpun, Published on 20/01/2014

» The political crisis has unveiled a series of "inconvenient truths" that have long been hidden in our society. One of them is the prevailing pre-modern sexism that has come to define modern relationships among the genders in general, and in the present political context, between angry males and females protesting against Thailand's first female prime minister in particular.


On either side of amnesty debate, the ironies pile up

News, Pavin Chachavalpongpun, Published on 11/11/2013

» Should we take Thai politics seriously, given the fact that the current struggle over the controversial amnesty bill reveals nothing but a great sense of irony?


Sumatra's land-clearing fires ignite Singaporean fury

News, Pavin Chachavalpongpun, Published on 24/06/2013

» I lived in Singapore for almost 10 years, from late 2002 to early 2012. Throughout my stay, haze pollution became one of the main health issues facing the city state. This month, the threatening haze has returned. And this time it has managed to break its own record, reaching the hazardous PSI (pollutant standards index) level of 401 at 12 pm on Friday. This is the highest level of haze ever in Singapore.


Tide of political vulgarity washes up on our shores

News, Pavin Chachavalpongpun, Published on 18/05/2013

» Politics is a game played by those in high and low places. They may perceive politics from different angles and approach it from different standpoints. But there is one thing they share in common; they condone a culture of vulgarity.