Search Result for “press”

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Outbreak highlights our complacency

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 21/12/2020

» We are seemingly paying a high price for Covid-19 complacency.



House session needs sincerity to succeed

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 26/10/2020

» Starting today, the parliament will play a crucial role in examining -- amid dimmed hopes -- possible solutions which would allow the country to peacefully exit the political stalemate.


Boss case shatters public confidence

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 17/08/2020

» If you start to feel a sense of relief that justice seems to be back on track in the shameful hit-and-run case involving Vorayuth Yoovidhya, after both prosecutors and police suddenly put the brakes on their attempts to free him, you may well have to think again.



'Boss' case the rule not the exception

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 27/07/2020

» Sooner rather than later, we will witness two major state agencies pointing the finger at each other over the infamous hit-and-run case involving Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya, the Red Bull scion. The two agencies are none other than the Royal Thai Police and the Office of Attorney-General (OAG) which is in hot water for dropping a major charge against the man behind the steering wheel of the Ferrari that, in the wee hours of that fateful day on Sept 3, 2012, killed a police officer.


Don't build a wall against our own people

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 26/04/2020

» A famous quote, "Numbers never lie", comes to my mind often as the country copes with the coranavirus outbreak which all of a sudden has some Thais obsessed with numbers and case counting.



Haze saga shows flaws in approach

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 01/02/2019

» As the country's fight against the pollution crisis continues, almost all state agencies are boasting of some progress in their work.



Toxic policies just as bad as toxic chemicals

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 08/09/2018

» It seems Deputy Agriculture and Agriculture Cooperatives Minister Wiwat Salyakamthorn's days with the military regime are numbered. His likely exit has been widely speculated upon after his strong stance against "three dirty farm chemicals", namely, paraquat, chlorpyrifos and glyphosate.



'Phuyai' must lead kids by good example

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 05/01/2018

» As National Children's Day draws near, it's time for the public to pay attention to the annual slogan (<i>kham kwan</i>) thought up each year by the prime minister of the day for kids.



Train reaction: Fighting to save old stations

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 24/06/2017

» Parinya Chukaew is using social media to take on the establishment in hope of saving up to half of the nation's 400 ageing railway stations. They are slated to be razed but he argues they must be conserved as part of Thailand's cultural and architectural heritage.



No special law needed to buckle up

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 24/03/2017

» The latest move by the government to get tough with traffic law violators is laudable. But invoking Section 44 for this purpose seems more laughable than praiseworthy to me.