Search Result for “photos”

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Admiring the night lights of Japan

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 21/07/2017

» International tourists, Thais included, visit and revisit Japan for many reasons, from cherry blossoms and autumn leaves to food and fruits to the culture and courteousness of the people. As if that's not enough, the country has added one more: yakei.


Getting a leg up on work

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 02/04/2015

» Like many professions, mine involves being seated in front of a computer for long hours on a daily basis. Tenseness and soreness in the neck, shoulder and back muscles are inevitable. Regular visits to massage establishments work well in alleviating pain, but the soothing result is always temporary. But now I think I've finally found a solution to the problem that has been tormenting me for the past 25 years — a workstation that doesn't keep me confined to a chair.


Here's looking at you, parents

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 31/10/2013

» I can't really tell whether it's cats or kids that show up more often in my Facebook news feed. But one thing's for sure, to me the pictures of these cute creatures do have a great soothing effect that counterbalances the stream of bad news stemming from Thai politics.


Reflecting on lives past

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 17/01/2013

» This year, National Children's Day was not just about parents spending quality time with their offspring and Thai society paying attention to the younger generation, the so-called "future of the nation". No, on Saturday a huge number of grown-ups also took the time to reminisce about their own childhood.It was another viral phenomenon on the internet. To mark the occasion, there was a widespread practice of people, celebrities included, of course, posting cute and often funny portraits from their school days on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social networking sites. Some even juxtaposed their old pictures with those of their little ones, revealing the striking similarities that attracted loads of "likes" and admiring comments.