Search Result for “over the top”

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Exploring new frontiers

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 05/10/2015

» Group Lease Plc, one of Thailand's leading hire/purchase operators, says that it expects its regional business to go to a point that its home turf business would account for merely 5% of its total portfolio by the end of this decade.



Innovation starts at the top

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 14/09/2015

» Sitting and listening to entrepreneurs in Kuala Lumpur over the past week put my thought process into top gear as I started to wonder about how we in Thailand were faring as a country when compared with the rest of the world or even the region.


PM must visit blast victims to lift morale

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 21/08/2015

» There are few words to describe the feelings of Thai nationals and their global neighbours following the horrendous act of terrorism that took place earlier this week. The death toll stands at 20 dead - both Thais and tourists - and more than 120 injured.



Pocky power

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 22/06/2015

» Take a stroll through Osaka and if you're a visitor from Southeast Asia, you'll probably want to have your picture taken with the billboard featuring the image of a sprinter. It's an instantly recognisable logo to the millions of people who have grown up enjoying the snacks of the Japanese confectionery maker Ezaki Glico.



Transformation under way

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 08/06/2015

» India will continue to focus on investing to upgrade its infrastructure, both soft and hard, to help it achieve and sustain the momentum to make it the "growth engine" of the region in the years ahead.



Sushi heaven

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 08/06/2015

» After a wait of about 10 minutes, most of which I spent trying to decide what to eat and what not, the first roll of sushi arrives from the chef.



Staying in shape

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 01/06/2015

» Asian banks remain healthy and have managed to avoid the ongoing problems faced by some multinationals that have been divesting assets left, right and centre, say some of the region's top finance executives.



Fishery cleanup  an Asean-wide issue

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 27/04/2015

» The recent decision by the European Union to issue a "yellow card" to Thailand to hasten a cleanup of the fishery industry should have come as no surprise. The use of forced and slave labour by producers of seafood that is exported all over the world has become a matter of national shame.



Lifetime achiever

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 20/04/2015

» 'It came as a surprise to me that I got this award. It was the second this year and one of only two that I've accepted," says Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz.



PM squanders an opportunity

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 23/03/2015

» I had no intention to bash Dear Leader this week, but the laughter I heard after Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha attended a meeting of some of the world's top business thinkers compels me to comment; I would be remiss as a journalist if I didn't.