Search Result for “money laundering”

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Depart with art

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 04/03/2020

» With the return of the Bangkok Art Biennale 2020 (BAB), which will kick off in October, the curatorial team recently unveiled some details regarding the first line-up of 16 participating local and international artists. The complete line-up will feature 85 artists from more than 40 countries.



Food for thought

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 05/01/2018

» A corporal motorcycle courier on the Western Front during World War I, Hitler fancied himself the German Napoleon Bonaparte. While he had good political instincts, a military genius he was not. Still, he had several first-rate strategists and tacticians on his staff.



Dirty money

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 23/09/2016

» Money laundering is an international crime with global authorities hard-put to stop it. Police-thriller novelists find it grist for their mills. Money laundering is largely done through retail shops (honest) and casinos (not so honest). Shoppers are unaware of it, not so gamblers.



Desolation row

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 19/08/2016

» Ripping through lonesome plains and highway desolation, two Texan brothers set out to rob banks that, technically, have been robbing their family for years. Tanner and Toby (Ben Foster and Chris Pine) are siblings at different ends of the spectrum: the first a wild coyote, a jittery flask of criminal energy; the second a melancholic fox, handsome, sad and serious.


The war went on

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 18/07/2016

» One of the annoying things about wars is that they don't all end when they are supposed to. After Yorktown, the American Revolution dragged on for two years. The Battle of New Orleans in 1815 was fought after the War of 1812 was officially over.



A delightful sequel

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 08/10/2012

» Sequels are commonplace, but not necessarily by the same authors. They are penned shortly after the original becomes popular, or long afterwards. Alexander Dumas waited two decades before his follow-up to The Three Musketeers. More than one writer had been tapped to pick up where Alistair Maclean and Ian Fleming left off.