Search Result for “lost face”

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Future farming

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 16/12/2019

» Agriculture is probably one of the last things that come to mind when one talks about artificial intelligence (AI), especially in the developing world. But it is poised to become the key to increasing productivity as the world races to feed a projected 9.7 billion people by 2050.



Virtuous circle

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 07/10/2019

» The circular economy -- an economic system aimed at eliminating waste and promoting the continual use of resources -- is not something that can happen in isolation. It requires everyone from the beginning to end of the supply chain to embrace the spirit and practice of 3R: recycle, reuse and reduce.



People from Nowhere

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 18/03/2019

» A person can be born or made stateless, but either way the limitations such a status places on one's rights are severe. The issue has come into sharp focus with the case of Shamima Begum, a 19-year-old Islamic State supporter who was stripped of her British nationality for her decision to joined the self-declared caliphate in 2015.



Saviours at sea

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 18/03/2019

» The Boxing Day tsunami in 2004 took a terrible toll across South and Southeast Asia, with an estimated 230,000 people killed in 14 countries. In Thailand, the hardest hit area was in Khao Lak in Phangnga where some 4,000 people lost their lives when the wall of water overwhelmed them.



Perilous journeys

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 11/02/2019

» On Jan 12, a fishing boat carrying more than 100 Indian migrants -- the precise number is not known -- left the Munambam harbour in Kerala. Its destination was New Zealand, more than 11,000 kilometres away.


Araibi case: own goals all round

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 11/02/2019

» The contention that Thailand would not have been involved in the controversial case of Hakeem al-Araibi had it not received a red alert notice from Australian Interpol sounded ridiculous when I first heard it. Why would Australia issue an arrest warrant for a person it had granted asylum to?



Dying and dignity

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 21/01/2019

» In rapidly ageing Asian countries, a growing number of people are starting to worry about what their old age will be like. Medical advances may make it possible for us to live to 100, but what if the last decades of life are filled with infirmity, pain and suffering?



Malaysian minister says invest in youth

News, Erich Parpart, Published on 22/11/2018

» To empower inclusive institutions in Asia for the next five years it is important to invest in young people so they are well educated and can get at least an entry-level job, while also recognising their potential for early promotion, said Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, Malaysia's youth and sports minister and the youngest cabinet minister in Asia.



Clinging to hope

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 21/05/2018

» They have survived many challenges, from a genocide that killed nearly 3 million of their people, the ultimate fight for freedom from Pakistan, a series of coups since independence in 1971, and the assassination of the Father of the Nation, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. But the people of Bangladesh still find it in their hearts to help those even less fortunate than themselves, in this case hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees.



Lost in the haze

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 02/01/2017

» Riding on a train that stops at stations where alumni wait to greet you is a pleasant initiation rite that provides a sense of welcome and acceptance for young university students, some of whom have never been away from the comfort of home and parents before.