Search Result for “laos”

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Stirring national pride

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 09/09/2022

» Although being a world leader is not Thailand's strong suit. We, Thais, do know how to find memorable ways to roar our name proudly and make sure others keep us alive in their thoughts. According to the Guinness World Records, many Thais have beaten world records in presenting Thai culture creatively and unexpectedly, which has made us proud. Guru has a small complication of what we have archived.



Out of the shadow of the Cold War

Life, Published on 24/09/2020

» The Cold War saw the birth of the persuasive power of cinema. In the early 1950s, the United States decided that psychological warfare was needed to thwart communist threats in Southeast Asia and so it set up a propaganda unit to produce movies, documentary films, cartoons and pamphlets to provoke a red scare among the people. The United States Information Services (Usis) was also active in Thailand during this decade of sinister geopolitics. Its main responsibility was to produce a number of narrative and documentary films which would be screened around the country to promote American-style democracy and caution people against the deadly dominance of communism.


Time to come clean

News, Postbag, Published on 15/06/2019

» Re: "Cops scrutinise MP's posts", (BP, June 11).



Bridging the gap among Asean countries

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 08/08/2016

» Since a teenager, Art Thomya, YouTube host and travel vlogger, has enthusiastically participated in Asean cultural exchange programmes.



Holidays from hell

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 30/07/2013

» When violent, unforeseen events turn your dream vacation into a nightmare, who can you turn to for help and who is ultimately at fault?