Search Result for “king”

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Black Panther is stylistic substance

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 19/02/2018

» Having been in a movie black hole of sorts for the past few months, I was completely oblivious to what the movie Black Panther is, when my best friend suggested we go see it. The only thing I knew was that it would be a Marvel movie featuring a cast made up of a majority of African-Americans and Africans. This, of course, is rarer than a blue moon, and was enough to pique my interest. Fine by me. In fact, I would be most intrigued to watch a superhero film where the black guy isn't the sidekick or someone likely to get shot within the first 12 seconds.


A queen's life

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 20/11/2017

» As I am watching The Crown, only one burning, pressing query hammers against my conscience. In fact, it is the very same question that blazed through my mind as I watched the Minions animated film two years ago: What would Queen Elizabeth II have thought of herself in this portrayal?


Losing (and rediscovering) my religion

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 04/04/2016

» In the recent wake of terrorist atrocities -- most infamously done in the name of religion -- I could not help but question my own line of faith that is Buddhism. Or perhaps "reconnect" would be a better way to put it, as a so-called modern day millennial who isn't a very avid temple-goer.


Speaking for ourselves

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 11/12/2015

» As someone who is consistently on the prowl for content about my own nation's heritage, (because like Jon Snow -- I know nothing) Khun Thong Daeng: The Inspirations should have been a movie I sprinted to buy tickets for on the day it was released.


Warning: spoilers ahead

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 16/05/2014

» The world never ceases to find new ways to harass our emotional well-being every day. Because I am only human, the pain that comes along with tax papers and sold-out avocados is now also extended to stumbling across TV-series, movie and book spoilers. And those abhorrent things are practically diving towards us from every possible direction, what with the internet and smartphones inextricably entwined with our daily lives.


Keep calm, it's just a royal being

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 19/07/2013

» Writing this from London, I look around and reflect: In this land of the civilised and cultured, members of the royal family are referred to by mere first names by the public. Kate this, Kate that. William this, William that. I think her dress is terribly meh; how could he possibly consider polo matches the weekend his wife is supposed to give birth - these comments, made out in the open, could go on forever.


Beauty in HD shows the beastly within

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 12/06/2013

» The lure of a full-HD film can be irresistible for a young adult in need of amusement, especially one home alone with an abundance of time on her hands. A friend has lent me a Blu-ray player this past weekend and having already watched every single movie (in its full, astounding, immaculately crystal-clear glory), there is nothing left for me, except for the contents in the Disney folder on the hard drive.