Search Result for “human rights”

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Myanmar conduct barely improves

Published on 06/10/2022

» During the last few months, Myanmar has been violating Bangladesh's airspace to decimate rebel groups based near the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.



Stop creep of 'full Sharia'

News, Editorial, Published on 11/04/2019

» On Tuesday, an LGBTI group protested outside the Brunei embassy in Bangkok, rallying against the tiny oil-rich nation's imposition on April 3 of full Sharia law, which among other barbaric acts punishes sodomy by stoning offenders to death.



Underestimating women's work

News, Trini Leung, Published on 06/06/2016

» The growth of Asia is such that it has attracted praise, including the sensational "economic miracle". And the numbers seem to tell the truth: Asia grew at an average of 6% a year between 1990 and 2015, based on data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). But this growth has a dark secret: it was built on the backs of poor women labouring under abysmal working conditions for wages which were low by themselves, and were lower compared to men's. Women had become to multinationals a means to an end, in the words of feminist Gita Sen.


Leaders are setting a self-serving agenda

News, Published on 16/02/2016

» In a conversation last year with author Marilynn Robinson, US President Barack Obama said he learns all things important from books.