Search Result for “http”

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The good old days

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 09/09/2018

» If you've ever said in support of the coup regime that, yes, it's great that junta and government are dedicated to returning Thailand to those good old days, then you'll be forever grateful to the national police chief and the whole bunch of the unreformed Royal Thai Police.



Data security a foreign concept

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 22/04/2018

» You'd think that just about the worst thing that could happen in today's charged smartphone-internet intersection is the theft of many thousands of the most important identification documents and personal details of mobile phone owners. But you'd be wrong.



What he's thinking

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 24/09/2017

» The election campaign began rolling in earnest last week. Now if only the government had kept its promise and actually had an election. Minor detail, perhaps, but memories are so short when they operate on political bias that it's good to do history.



Engine failure

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 04/12/2016

» The green shirts last week got what they came for back in May 2014. While happiness was returned to the National Council for Peace and Order, it became unclear how long it will last.


The big issue: T is for Thailand...and teflon

Alan Dawson, Published on 26/10/2014

» An international poll taken at the lowest point of national self-esteem has revealed that the military's obsession with driving Happiness and National Pride into the population may be the political equivalent of taking along a bowl of red rice and a fish head to a wedding buffet. What's already there is better than what's being added.


Obama should apologise

Alan Dawson, Published on 08/06/2014

» US President Barack Obama was reportedly flabbergasted to find that Americans failed to appreciate his gesture to retrieve a probable US turncoat from Afghanistan by exchanging him for five Taliban terrorists.


HIV drug discovery puts licensing pressure on govt

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 17/06/2013

» A breakthrough joint medical study on an anti-Aids drug by the US and Bangkok City Hall has highlighted the need to address again the problem with health costs and, more importantly, the politically toxic issue of compulsory licensing, known as CL.