Search Result for “health”

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Powered by nature

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 11/03/2019

» In 1984, a small biotechnology company began life in Sapporo, Japan to develop innovative materials for the agriculture sector. Founder Ken-ichi Kosuna named it Amino Up, after the ingredients of the first product the new venture was developing at the time.



Holistic health

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 11/03/2019

» Human life expectancy has increased dramatically over the past century, thanks in large part to advances in sanitation, agriculture, food processing and distribution.



Let's talk about sex

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 10/12/2018

» Ask anyone what sex means and you will get any number of different responses. After all, it's a highly personal matter and can mean different things to different people. It is such a delicate and intimate topic that most people prefer to avoid the conversation altogether.



Connecting the digital dots

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 26/11/2018

» The changes brought about by digital disruption have swept away companies of all sizes in all industries. For those that remain, digital transformation is becoming more urgent by the day.


Time to talk about mental health

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 12/11/2018

» 'A smile is worth a thousand words," the old saying goes. This simple but powerful act can light up a room and create bonds with people without the need to converse.


Ending the war against women

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 15/10/2018

» Two exceptionally brave individuals, Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege, have received this year's Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end rape as a weapon of war. Their courage and persistence deserve to be applauded.



The road to 5G

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 17/09/2018

» The next great technological transformation is under way as 5G telecommunication systems undergo testing prior to commercial deployment in many markets. Mobile operators will be at the forefront of creating a new platform capable of transforming industries and becoming a catalyst for global economic growth.



Value-based care

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 10/09/2018

» Asia Pacific is on track to becoming one of the oldest regions in the world in the next few decades with an elderly population approaching 923 million. However, most governments are still underprepared for the social and economic consequences of this rapid demographic shift.



Reform dividend

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 27/08/2018

» After decades of pursuing a closed economy and heavy reliance on state-owned enterprises, Vietnam has undergone a significant transformation and is now a bona fide Asian Tiger. Roaring ahead with annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 6-7%, the one-party state has attracted investors from all over the world eager to establish businesses in the country of 93 million.


Our chemical-free future

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 27/08/2018

» When I think of my grandmother, I always think of her in the kitchen. Growing up as the happy recipient of her home-cooked meals, I sometimes would join her there as she passed along tidbits of her cooking wisdom.