Search Result for “good”

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Learning tough lessons on the field

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 13/01/2016

» Over the past week, there have been two viral video clips that have captured wide public attention and sparked off massive internet outbursts. The first incident occurred right here in Bangkok and is currently making headline news, and involved a fabricated accusation of road rage. The accuser, who backed up his pick-up truck and ran over a mid-sized sedan during a fit of road rage, made up a false report of the incident without knowing his actions had been captured on video.


Education isn't everything

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 26/06/2015

» Recently I wrote a column about my intentions to pull my son out of the Thai school system to allow him to choose his own learning path.


Getting away from it all, and bringing more back

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 08/01/2015

» The holiday travelling season is over. So I'm sure many of my fellow Thais have a fresh experience of fak sue khong, which loosely translates to "asking someone to buy something for you".


Chinese etiquette comes up short

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 23/10/2014

» No matter how much travellers complain about the increase in numbers of Chinese tourists, who over recent years have flocked to popular holiday destinations across the globe, my vacation experience (OK, only a part of it) was actually enriched thanks to them. 


An education for Obec

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 19/09/2014

» Recently, Life ran a story on how Thai students were paying others to do their school assignments for them.


The career or the kid — what matters most?

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 12/06/2014

» Several weeks ago, I came across an Intelligence Squared debate on BBC World News. This particular episode, a tribute to International Women’s Day, titled The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Cannot Rock The Boardroom. After watching for a few very intriguing minutes, I was firmly hooked.


Don't carry the donkey

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 17/01/2014

» Vexatiously, the political tension that has been going on for the past couple of months has brought a new lifestyle hype to Thais. I'm not talking about people joining the rallies, blocking intersections, expressing political opinions on Facebook or dressing up to present their standpoint. I'm simply talking about a new sense of political awareness, especially among those in Bangkok.


Getting our ethics straightened out

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 27/11/2013

» Can we stop talking about democracy for a moment? It's not just since the unrolling of the Thaksin regime that I've been getting so fed up with the rampant misuse of "democracy" _ often by people who have no clue what this noble term really means _ that I've almost puked on occasion. But it's also because what I'm going to say right now has very little to do with political values, just plain morality.


Don't be too quick to turn the page

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 20/09/2013

» This year Bangkok sees itself the World Book Capital _ a title Unesco bestows annually to a city with admirable programmes to promote books and reading. Of course, it doesn't matter if Bangkok is really worthy of such an honour, over the past several years we've been yearning to achieve many... umm... impossibilities, whether it's to be the fashion city of the world, the best tourist destination or even Asia's medical hub.


Platitudes with attitudes

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 11/06/2013

» Best-selling books dispensing spiritual advice from emerging writers, television programmes on the young and successful, and entrepreneurs who encourage others to think outside the box and thrive _ these may seem like great life inspirations offered at almost no cost. But for me, they are more a cause of concern rather than something to admire, especially when these subjects are what the younger generation of Thais value at the moment.