Search Result for “good”

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It'll take more than patriotism to save the ringgit

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 28/03/2024

» Malaysia wants to be great again, at least in foreign exchange. The nation's currency recently approached a level seen as near-catastrophic during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. Authorities insist the ringgit is way too cheap and blame forces outside the country, chiefly high interest rates in the US. The remedies are modest, compared with the shock therapy meted out a couple of decades ago.



The silver lining of Widodo's big economic miss

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 15/02/2024

» By his own standards, Joko Widodo has fallen well short of a major economic goal during his decade leading Indonesia. Growth has been laudable in a neighbourhood where the pace of expansion is undergoing a long-term slowdown, but nowhere close to the outgoing president's lofty ambitions. That's a pity, because part of Mr Widodo's attraction as a candidate in 2014 was his image as a self-made businessman, an outsider who could nudge the country towards achieving its much-promoted potential.



Singapore gives financial optimists some succour

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 17/10/2023

» To hear it from Singapore, the global economy is a glass half full. The central bank's latest assessment skips some of the pessimism that's been a feature of communications this year. If this hub for trade and capital is right, then the global expansion will live to fight another day.



Downturn doesn't mean disaster

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 10/01/2023

» The new year has been rung in by a buildup of recession chatter. From Washington to Singapore, anxiety about a downturn is intensifying. While there are good reasons to be dour about the prospects for the global economy, 2023 doesn't have to be a write-off. It could even turn out relatively well, given the prevailing pessimism.



How S Korea can survive with shrinking workforce

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 20/11/2019

» You know times are hard in provincial South Korea when the guy selling walkers and hearing aids can only make ends meet by day trading.


Is the IMF ready to weather another financial crisis?

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 04/10/2018

» Christine Lagarde and the International Monetary Fund have answered the easy question but dodged the hard ones. Yes, of course an era of tit-for-tat tariffs dims the global economic outlook. So what can the IMF do about it? Does it need more funding to protect the international economy, given the weakening scene?


Malaysian leader's second act just what the nation needs

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 03/10/2018

» The style and substance of Malaysia's seventh prime minister sure look familiar to anyone who knew him as its fourth prime minister. Good. Mahathir Mohamad's political comeback -- at the age of 92 -- could be just what the nation needs.


China stabilising the yuan is weirdly remarkable

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 05/07/2018

» Trade conflicts may not be as easy to win as Donald Trump asserts. His principal target, China, is the victor in the war of public relations.


Australia's turn in the muck of political tribalism

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 22/02/2018

» Australians who thought the disruptions that have led many to view North Atlantic politics with disdain wouldn't reach their corner of the world can no longer ignore reality. The urban-rural divide that drove Brexit and the election of Donald Trump is now reverberating closer to home, and it's not a good look.



Stanley Fischer and the IMF changed Asia for good

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 13/09/2017

» As he steps down as vice chair of the US Federal Reserve, Stanley Fischer has been saluted for his overall contribution to central banking. His complex legacy after transforming key Asian economies should not be forgotten.