Search Result for “gay love”

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When East met West

News, Postbag, Published on 29/10/2016

» Rudyard Kipling said, "East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet."



Playing dead, to live

News, New York Times, Published on 15/06/2016

» As the sound of gunfire in the nightclub grew louder, a patron named Orlando and a female friend took cover in a cramped bathroom stall, contorting their bodies on top of the toilet so their feet could not be seen. The gunman burst into the bathroom, went straight to the stall next to them and shot the people inside.



An atrocity in Florida

News, Editorial, Published on 14/06/2016

» The barbarous butchery carried out by one man in a Florida gay nightclub indicates failures on several fronts. Omar Mateen, son of an Afghan refugee and salesman and consumed by hatred, opened fire and killed at least 50 people on the spot. By all accounts, he was motivated by two things. First was his growing and finally overwhelming hatred of the gay community, particularly gay men. Second was the call by the Islamic State (IS) for "lone wolf" terrorist attacks during Ramadan.



We need to fight homophobia at home

News, Paisarn Likhitpreechakul, Published on 14/06/2016

» As the world reels in shock and sorrow from the Orlando gay club shooting which killed at least 50 people and injured many more in Florida, some jumped to lay blame on the faith of the shooter, who was said to have been angered by the sight of two men kissing.


The scope of the Orlando carnage goes beyond LGBT

News, Frank Bruni, Published on 14/06/2016

» These locations are never random. These targets aren't accidental. They're the very vocabulary in which assailants like the Orlando gunman speak, and he chose a place where there's drinking. And dancing. And where LGBT people congregate, feeling a sense of welcome, of belonging.



Why China muzzled an internet sensation

News, Adam Minter, Published on 26/04/2016

» Last autumn, Papi Jiang, a 29-year-old graduate student in Beijing, began posting short, satirical and occasionally profane monologues about daily life in urban China to social media. Within a couple of months, she'd racked up tens of millions of views, earned nearly US$2 million (70 million baht) in private funding and raised hopes that online celebrities might offer a new revenue stream for China's internet companies. Then, last week, it all ended: Papi Jiang's videos abruptly disappeared.


Facebook 'pride' filter shows a world of difference

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 02/07/2015

» Now that many parts of the world are celebrating the US Supreme Court's decision to legalise same-sex marriage across their country, social media has since been flooded with the rainbow flashes and vibes. The hashtag #LoveWins is trending on Twitter and Facebook is dotted with rainbow-filtered profile pictures everywhere.



Electric daydreaming

News, Published on 06/06/2015

» The photo of the test run of the electric-powered No.511 bus (BP, June 3) caught my attention, not for the design of the bus itself, but for the sign on the front proclaiming the bus to be “0 Emissions”.



Key battles remain in fight for LGBT rights

News, Published on 17/05/2015

» It is a curious if mildly depressing exercise to ask to see a katoey’s ID card. Should she not shy away, the picture will likely reveal a boyish face with minimal or no make-up and sometimes much shorter hair than the woman who pulled it from her purse; in other words, not the look she feels most comfortable presenting to the world. Without fail, the prefix before her name will be nai — mister. This is even a requirement of the myriad transgender pageants, such as Miss Tiffany Universe, held in this country.



Knight in sunshiny armour

News, Published on 03/05/2015

» Re: “Summer dreams dashed in divisive beach clean-up” (Spectrum, April 19).