Search Result for “fired”

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Jokes aren't what they used to be

Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/08/2023

» It is customary at this time of the year for PostScript to try and lighten up proceedings with what have been voted the best jokes by stand-up comedians at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe which wraps up this week. Unfortunately this year's offerings have been decidedly underwhelming, or perhaps I'm getting a bit too ancient to appreciate modern wit. Anyway, prepare yourself for a few groans.



Celluloid sleuths more fun in the old days

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/03/2023

» I was watching a US cops and robbers film the other day in which the police were using those large portable phones that were around just at the start of the cellphone revolution. Nothing dates a film more than the type of phones they are using. Those unwieldy early portable phones look quite comical these days and seem more cumbersome than convenient.


French learn about their Aussie 'mates'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/09/2021

» It is encouraging to learn that it is not just Thailand that gets into deep water involving contracts over submarines. France is most upset with Australia for pulling the plug on a nuclear submarine deal, resulting in various shades of not-so-diplomatic name-calling. Standing out was the rather poignant observation from the recalled French ambassador to Australia that "what makes me sad is that we thought we were mates but we were stabbed in the back".



Tokyo finally reaches the finishing line

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/08/2021

» It is no secret that the build-up to the Tokyo Olympics was not exactly plain sailing, primarily due to the Covid pandemic. For a start it was a year late through no fault of its own, and was being held at the hottest and most humid time of the Japanese summer when sensible people retreat into air conditioning. It was not just by chance that when Tokyo hosted the Games in 1964 it was held in October, Japan's autumn.


Well, it's only a slogan after all

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/05/2020

» The Tourism Authority of Thailand has decreed that the "Amazing Thailand" slogan will need rebranding once the coronavirus situation is sorted out. So from October, we will be treated to "Amazing Trusted Thailand", emphasising safety and aimed at "high-end" tourists. Well-intentioned as it may be, this new slogan doesn't exactly roll off the tongue and the middle word may prompt a few wry smiles.



Getting hung up over telephone boxes

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/08/2017

» While walking along Silom Road the other day, I spotted a young lady making a call from a phone box. Now you don't see that very often these days -- a Thai woman without a smartphone. She must have been in a state of distress. Perhaps she was calling the police station to inform them her smartphone had been stolen.



At least we’ll be safe from the Blue Meanies

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/07/2015

» It appears the navy’s plans to purchase three submarines from China have been temporarily put on hold. The proposed deal had not exactly been greeted with people dancing in the streets.



Kind of hot, but not particularly bothered

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 17/05/2015

» On Wednesday morning I awoke to the sound of a raging thunderstorm and very welcome it was too. Since returning from the UK I had been wilting in the Bangkok heat and had become increasingly lethargic, sluggish and slothful. After that refreshing mid-week storm I was even more lethargic, sluggish and slothful, but at least a few degrees cooler.


Thai railways back on track ... well, sort of

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/12/2013

» Good news from the State Railway of Thailand. Since they reopened the northern route a fortnight ago, only one train has fallen off the rails, which isn't bad going for them.