Search Result for “elections”

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Prayut can't control lens of history

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 21/04/2018

» He came to drain the swamp, but the swamp has reclaimed him. He came to purge politicians, but politicians have found him. He came to rewrite history, and we wonder how history will remember him.



A surprise behind the door

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 09/03/2018

» The house sits deep in the woods, near a cemetery staked with tombstones. The family consists of a father, reeling in debt, and his four children, the eldest 22 and the youngest six. The mother is ill, ashen-faced, bedridden, and she'll jingle the brass bell in her hand to summon help. That jingling bell, and the apparition of a woman in a white gown in the mother's gloomy bedroom, will signal the cue of many jump-scares in the tale that unfolds.



Armed to the teeth, with no battle to fight

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 15/07/2017

» When everyone else is dead, the arms dealers will sip champagne and cuddle Playboy bunnies. Why? "Because everyone else will be busy killing each other," said Yuri Orlov, the arms dealer in Lord of War as portrayed by Nicolas Cage. When his client orders him a shipment of machine guns used in Rambo, Mr Orlov, an award-winning salesperson, asks, "Rambo part 1, 2 or 3?"



The boy wonder of French politics

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 03/07/2017

» Now that he rules France -- first by winning the presidency and when his party won a majority in the French parliamentary election last month -- Emmanuel Macron has become a subject of close scrutiny. The Netflix documentary Emmanuel Macron: Behind The Rise won't give you deep insight into the remarkable rise of the youngest French president in history; the film works, instead, as a campaign history and a personality sketch of this boyish, industrious, intelligent politician who, at first, seemed surprised by his own ascendancy.



Moving images

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 25/05/2017

» Cinema is the runaway child of photography. At the Cannes Film Festival this week however, two films show the deep and inspiring connection between the two forms. In Villages Visages (Faces/Places), the grandmother of the French New Wave Agnes Varda teams up with photographer JR to create the most charming work in the festival. Meanwhile in 24 Frames, the late Abbas Kiarostami, the Iranian director who passed away last July, posthumously gave viewers the most mesmerising series of images on the big screen of Grande Theatre Lumiere.



That precious gold statuette

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 24/02/2017

» The Oscars takes place Monday morning Thailand time. We pontificate and prognosticate the results


Singing along in poll wait purgatory

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 07/01/2017

» Splendid 2017 begins with Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha gifting us the year's first new song. Saphan, "bridge", his sappy ballad is called.



'Pre-truth' far scarier than 'post-truth'

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 19/11/2016

» 'Post-truth" -- that's Oxford Dictionaries' word of 2016. Trump-inspired and aided by Facebook algorithms, it clicks. What happens isn't as important as what you think happens, and if you think something is true, then what is true is simply what you think. But truth be told, post-truth still suggests an involvement of truth, how truth is there and yet is blithely bypassed by emotion and prejudice, and thus there's a more dangerous term that fits better in some places: "pre-truth".



To Myanmar with love

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 04/11/2016

» The big problem about shooting a film in Myanmar, says Thai filmmaker Chartchai Ketnust, was not obtaining permission. It was the mob of onlookers trying to get a peek of the stars.



For a ghost of a chance, use your talisman

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 01/10/2016

» On Wednesday Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha talked for 135 minutes at the Bangkok Post Forum, more than Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Monday combined. And this isn't even an election campaign. A good soldier, he's unfazed by the presence of enemies and microphone. From the podium, arms outstretched, the PM touched on a lot of topics: Thai education, the economy, Section 44, Thailand as a "developed" country, the 20-year prophecy, etc. But what struck me like a hammer was when the general mentioned ghosts.