Search Result for “editorial states”

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Tensions soar in Hong Kong as police bring in rubber bullets

AFP, Published on 02/10/2014

» Crowds of protesters in Hong Kong swelled Thursday after police were seen unloading boxes of tear gas and rubber bullets, sending tensions soaring as authorities urged pro-democracy demonstrators to disperse "as soon as possible".


China backs HK leader as pressure to quit grows

AFP, Published on 02/10/2014

» Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters demanded the city's embattled leader heed their ultimatum to resign Thursday, but China backed him "firmly and unshakably" and pledged support for the police.



Vietnam eyes US weapons

News, Published on 30/09/2014

» A debate that deserves immediate and close attention in the region is nearing a conclusion in Washington. The United States is close to deciding to end its arms embargo on Vietnam. Hanoi has applied to buy P-3 Orion, unarmed surveillance aircraft. The obvious reason for such a purchase is to allow Vietnam to keep a closer watch on its coastline and, more to the point, activities by China in the South China Sea.


Hong Kong democracy protests: Live Report

AFP, Published on 29/09/2014

» 18:58 GMT - AFP IS CLOSING THIS LIVE REPORT - as protesters gather for another night in Hong Kong, with all eyes on the authorities' response after a previous attempt to disperse the crowds with tear gas.



Lazarus, paper-bound

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 29/09/2014

» For many years the notion that "print is dying" has been repeated over and over. Countless studies and articles detail how technology is robbing the world of its on-paper reading sources. But the advent of publishing house Salmon Books and its gradual rise in popularity has given print-lovers a glimpse of hope. 


China: 40 'rioters' killed in Xinjiang

AFP, Published on 26/09/2014

» BEIJING - Forty "rioters" were killed in China's far-western Xinjiang region after a series of coordinated explosions last Sunday, the regional government has said, with residents describing heavy security in place days after the violence.


India's spacecraft beams back first Mars photos

AFP, Published on 25/09/2014

» India's spacecraft has beamed back its first photos of Mars, showing its crater-marked surface, as the country glowed with pride Thursday after winning Asia's race to the Red Planet.



Asean rights in decline

News, Published on 15/09/2014

» The May 22 military coup brought predictable criticism from Thais and foreigners alike. In the aftermath, the most significant attacks have concerned the issue of human rights, including continued martial law and suppression of several basic freedoms such as speech and the right to protest. Unfortunately it has also pushed aside problems that are setting back democracy and human rights all around Thailand. With notable exceptions, Asean members are stripping citizens of their most basic civil rights. The region's Human Rights Commission is even more toothless than its early critics feared.


Coffee genome offers better brews

AFP, Published on 05/09/2014

» An international team of researchers have released the sequenced genome of coffee, saying it could help improve the flavour of one of the world's most-popular beverages.


Nato to sanction Russia over Ukraine

AFP, Published on 05/09/2014

» NEWPORT, United Kingdom - Nato leaders are expected to announce a raft of fresh sanctions against Russia on Friday over its actions in Ukraine, although hopes remain that a ceasefire can be forged at peace talks in Minsk on the same day.