Search Result for “editorial states”

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Hypocrisy on abortion

News, Editorial, Published on 21/11/2017

» The arrest of a nurse for providing abortions in Nakhon Ratchasima should serve as a wake-up call on this important social issue. Suwanna Kaewsawang, 56, a certified health care professional, was charged with operating an abortion service in her converted apartment. While her legal case continues, it is clear that officials of the Ministry of Public Health -- who directed the police raid -- are far behind the curve on a subject no one really wants to talk about, but must.



Going potty over luck at Govt House

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 10/05/2017

» Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha likes to remind us he is not a politician -- a statement that in a way reflects his perceived superiority. Basically, he wants it known he is in a different league.



Burkini ban is ridiculous

News, Editorial, Published on 05/09/2016

» The French government's decision to create an uproar over women who cover up on the country's beaches was always going to be trouble. In a way, the ban on the so-called "burkini" bathing wear is reminiscent of the equally misguided attempt by our own government to ban Islamic head wear in schools. Such state interference is not just unnecessary but divisive. The Paris government would be wise to consider the lessons learned in Thailand, accept they were wrong and abandon this poorly conceived law.



Rules of the game

News, Postbag, Published on 10/08/2016

» If someone illegally takes control of a ship its called piracy and it's a very serious offence. When people interfere with the planned flight of an aircraft it's known as hijacking and carries a severe punishment. One would think an even greater offence would be the illegal ousting of an elected government by an armed group, commonly known as a coup d'etat which in some countries would carry the most extreme penalty.



The real booze issue

News, Postbag, Published on 04/03/2016

» Re: "Activists demand big hike in booze taxes", (Online, March 2).



Heed charter draft gripes

News, Editorial, Published on 05/02/2016

» The government on Wednesday launched a special television programme to "educate" the public on the draft charter. It is a useful move considering the public finds legal-speak very difficult to understand. But it risks being self-defeating if it turns out to be an attempt to shoot down criticisms in a one-sided manner.