Search Result for “drugs”

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Time for factions to show true colours

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 03/11/2013

» The concert halls, entertainment shows, rallies and other various activities; the instruments, cameras, screens and sound systems _ all this and much more. Who paid for it all?



They're victims already, why humiliate them?

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 21/02/2013

» It was a room full of adults, mostly male. Voices gave instructions and made comments, fingers pointed and camera shutters clicked.


In the name of freedom and democracy

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 07/02/2013

» Sex tourism? The country's image? Baa-hum-bug! The fact of life is, if we don't take care of our own daughters, then some old, hairy foreigner will. For that matter, if we don't take care of our own daughters, then some old, hairless Thai will. There are two sides - at least - to every coin.


Bangkok governor, it's an insane job

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 27/12/2012

» Early next year there will be an election to choose the next Bangkok governor. No doubt the question on everyone’s mind is, what the heck does the Bangkok governor actually do?


Prime ministers, murderers and Judy Garland

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 13/12/2012

» During the London G-20 summit protests in 2009, Ian Tomlinson, an English newspaper vendor, an innocent bystander, was caught up in a melee and later died from internal injuries. Constable Simon Harwood was charged with manslaughter, but found not guilty.



Rise of the planet of the merchants

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 28/10/2012

» When the merchant elites buy up the provincial lords, what do the traditional elites have left in their hands? The answer requires a bit of background.



Bang heads, take stats, tell lies

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 19/08/2012

» Is the government's war on drugs a success? No, it's not. You might colour it a successful PR campaign, but not much else. Banging heads and taking stats, making front page news, is nothing more than the time-honoured tradition of putting up a good face. The lords of illusion are at work and everyone else eats it up.



Painting a picture

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 11/03/2012

» Plainclothes police are staking out the hideout, snipers lock on to their targets from the tops of surrounding buildings and a truckload of Swat team members are hiding nearby _ it's the quiet before the storm. Suspects all accounted for in the hideout, check. Certain evidence confirmed in the hideout, check. Communication lines secured, neighbourhood cleared, weapons locked and loaded, full metal jackets in place, check, check and check.