Search Result for “drugs”

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Ban on trans fat could boost palm oil

Business, Published on 04/01/2018

» The proposed ban on trans fat will force restaurants and cooking oil makers to modify their products, but the change may be a boon to the palm oil sector, an industry heavily supported by the government's Palm Oil and Palm Oil Industries Development Strategy.



'I sold the piano and bought a camera'

Spectrum, Published on 03/12/2017

» Journalism requires taking risks beyond the regular (and sometimes legal) call of duty. When breaking news happens or an injustice is found lurking in the shadows, journalists are often the first ones there to shed light on the stories that impact society's most marginalised. It requires a deep passion for sharing people's stories with the rest of the world.



Come on Baby, Light My Fire

B Magazine, Published on 30/07/2017

» After 24 years in Bangkok there's no hoodwinking Jerry Hopkins, pioneering Rolling Stone reporter and author of No One Here Gets Out Alive, the cult biography of The Doors' self-styled shaman-poet Jim Morrison.



Donald Trump's ultimate ego trip

News, Associated Press, Published on 15/07/2016

» Donald Trump was angry: A reporter had the gall to suggest that ego was behind his purchase of New York's famed Plaza Hotel.



Women seen as effective suicide bombers

News, Tobin Harshaw, Published on 12/04/2016

» On a list of history's most notorious assassins, alongside John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald and Gavrilo Princip, the name Thenmozhi Rajaratnam would probably draw mostly blank stares. But in her way, the Tamil Tiger terrorist -- who blew up herself, the Indian leader Rajiv Gandhi and 13 others in May 1991 -- has perhaps had the largest lasting influence.



Putting traditional Chinese medicine to the test

News, Adam Minter, Published on 17/09/2015

» Toad skins and turtle shells aren't the cures most westerners turn to when they learn they've developed cancer. But in China, the market for traditional remedies like these grew 35% last year, twice as fast as the overall anti-cancer market. Though the effectiveness of these treatments is unproven, Western doctors, elite medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies are starting to put them to the scientific test.



In Iraq, dread is in the air

Life, Published on 01/09/2014

» Many soldiers, reporters and commentators have compared the Iraq War to a deadly, sickening version of the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day — a war not of decisive battles but of seemingly endless efforts to take individual streets and towns, only to lose them and have to fight to take them again, all at enormous, heartbreaking cost.


'Rambo' led international team of hitmen

Published on 28/09/2013

» NEW YORK - The American arrested in Phuket on drug trafficking charges led a group of former military snipers who killed people for money, US officials say.