Search Result for “drug”

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Guiding light for Parkinson's sufferers

News, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 25/01/2020

» Walking sticks have helped to advance mobility and independence for countless people with physical limitations. A home-grown innovation has brought such advancement to a whole new level, specifically for sufferers of Parkinson's disease (PD).


Dishing up for the down and outs

News, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 31/01/2015

» It was a chilly Monday night as the homeless gathered in front of City Hall. Some languidly drifted around while others tucked themselves away in secluded corners of nearby concrete buildings to escape the wind.



Hidden danger

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 13/08/2013

» A bowl of bland soup can taste of nothing, but adding a pinch of salt can enhance the flavour and make the dish taste even better. Moderation of salt in diets makes a recipe tasty and keeps the body healthy.


Ya and You

Muse, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 15/06/2013

» When we have a minor illness like a cough or a fever, some of us go for an over-the-counter drug. If you are not sure about the correct dosage, recheck it with the Ya and You application. If you want to learn more about other drugs you are using, this app can be also helpful.


Take control of drugs, don't let them control you

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 07/11/2012

» While most people resort to medicine to treat an illness after the symptoms have become noticeable, a friend of mine regularly takes pills as a pre-emptive measure. Following exposure to rain, even if it was only a brief shower, he'll usually take some type of cold medication, his thinking being: instead of waiting for a viral infection to set in, why not act immediately? This is something his mother taught him. So he keeps a stock of over-the-counter medication, like cough remedies and paracetamol, in his everyday bag and he also resorts to antibiotics at the first sign of a sore throat.



The headaches of paracetamol

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 16/10/2012

» It helps reduce a high temperature. It helps with a terrible toothache. It helps relieve the pain of menstrual cramps. It helps manage mild pain and swelling of joints. It helps ease migraine attacks. It's paracetamol.



The Needle and the damage done

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 02/10/2012

» Although Looksorn (surname withheld) realises that ageing is inevitable, he is committed to doing whatever it takes to preserve his youthful looks for as long as possible. He went to see a dermatologist for the first time back when he had just entered secondary school and was plagued by acne. Ever since then he has made great efforts to keep his skin looking fresh and healthy, consulting beauticians and investing in high-quality imported cosmetic products, mostly collagen-based.



Are we reverting to the Pre-Antibiotic ERA ?

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 12/06/2012

» If you are someone who frequently takes antibiotics, watch out. You may unknowingly be at high risk of developing resistant-microbes infections _ a serious yet overlooked health problem with 100,000 new cases each year.


Hope for liver cancer patients

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 21/02/2012

» Once diagnosed with cancer, what a patient needs is morale support from friends and family to cope with their overwhelming grief, fear and confusion.



A ruined reputation

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 21/02/2012

» A series of dog attacks, some fatal, by pit bulls on people have raised questions about the safety of keeping these so-called ferocious canines as pets.