Search Result for “currencies”

Showing 81 - 90 of 196



Are emerging markets ready for a financial crisis?

News, Satyajit Das, Published on 27/08/2018

» Over the past decade, a lot of capital has flowed into emerging markets thanks in part to excessive liquidity in advanced economies. This money has often found its way into risky or suspect investment structures. Should a crisis strike -- say, contagion from Turkey -- investors in these markets will be exposed to risks that they simply aren't prepared for.


Geopolitics primer for managers

News, Published on 09/08/2018

» Until relatively recently and perhaps not since the oil crisis of the 70s, did managers need to worry about geopolitics. However, the calculus has changed utterly.


Three liberal prophets of doom

News, John Lloyd, Published on 31/07/2018

» Liberal democratic institutions and states are under sustained pressure, from outside and from within. The question now is how well liberal and democratic defences can withstand the onslaught.



Trade war risks triggering a Chinese debt crisis

News, Published on 19/07/2018

» There's no chance China will cut its trade surplus with the US in response to President Donald Trump's tariff threats. For starters, Washington has made no specific demand to which Beijing can respond. But its efforts may have an unexpected side effect: a debt crisis in China.


China stabilising the yuan is weirdly remarkable

News, Daniel Moss, Published on 05/07/2018

» Trade conflicts may not be as easy to win as Donald Trump asserts. His principal target, China, is the victor in the war of public relations.



Investment rush is harming environment

News, Soonruth Bunyamanee, Published on 30/05/2018

» The recent massive crackdown on recycling factories processing hazardous electronic waste allegedly smuggled from abroad seems to be just the tip of the iceberg.



Hopes rest on new president to reinvigorate govt

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 31/03/2018

» President Win Myint has been sworn in as Myanmar's new president, raising hopes that with him at the helm government administration will be strengthened and revitalised.


Bitcoin enters an awkward adolescence phase

News, Published on 02/03/2018

» Last autumn, as cryptocurrencies seemed on the brink of a linkage with the traditional financial system, there were predictions of a price explosion along with institutional, regulatory and mainstream acceptance of the currencies. Others predicted disaster or a collapse to zero value. In the end, despite some dramatic price moves, not much happened.


Crypto markets aren't all the same

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 23/01/2018

» There's a compelling reason to consider what's going on with cryptocurrencies a purely speculative boom-and-bust roller-coaster: Over a three-month period, the prices of all the top coins and tokens are rather strongly correlated, going up and down in unison. What does that make them if not the 21st-century incarnation of tulip bulbs?



From Trump to Europe crises, what to watch in 2018

News, Peter Apps, Published on 29/12/2017

» Professional forecasters like to say that making predictions is difficult, particularly about the future. As we reach the end of 2017, however, here are some of the key themes -- and questions -- that look set to shape global events next year.