Search Result for “court”

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Sufficiency economy doesn't mean self-sufficiency

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 03/12/2014

» Since the head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) announced some six months ago that he would use the sufficiency economy (SE) as the guiding light for governing the country, I again have seen discussions equating SE with self-sufficiency. It's not.


Coup-makers must lead by example

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 04/06/2014

» Every military intervention is costly and the current one is no exception. It costs a lot of money to keep soldiers on the streets, and their presence spooks tourists and investors, and interrupts the process of democratic development.


Judging Thai women on the words of Jimmy Carter

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 02/04/2014

» I am an admirer of Jimmy Carter, due largely to what he has done since leaving the office of US president in January 1981. Instead of leading a comfortable and quiet life or focusing on making a lot of money by using his political connections as many prominent American politicians do and, in the process, tarnishing the glow of democracy and market economy, Mr Carter has been doing things largely for the benefit of others. The 2002 Nobel Peace Prize is testimony to his good deeds.



The 'crooks' in charge must step aside

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 01/01/2014

» A new year, a semi-failed state?


Getting rid of the government is the easy part

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 04/12/2013

» Ask any of the participants in the massive anti-government rallies about their purpose, and the answer is likely to be to get rid of something called "Thaksinocracy". When asked what it means, the answer varies, but may be roughly grouped along these five "cracies".


For Thailand, 'midway' is the better way

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 06/03/2013

» Over the years, among the books that I have strongly recommended are two written by Professor Jared Diamond _ Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, and Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or to Succeed. Both have been translated into Thai. For those who cannot spare the time to read these rather hefty books, brief excerpts can be found in the book entitled Kalapiwat.


Start at the local level to avert apocalypse

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 07/11/2012

» According to one interpretation of the Mayan calendar, there will be a cataclysmic event that causes the end of the world this year, probably on Dec 21.


Lies come in many colours

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 04/09/2012

» Since a group of political activists has used yellow to identify its movement against the administration of a former prime minister and his associates over the past half decade or so, it has become fashionable for a political movement in this country to identify itself by a colour.