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The inflexibility of silicon

Life, James Hein, Published on 26/04/2017

» Since the 1950s, silicon has been the basis for our integrated circuits. The changes in component density since then have been staggering, with your smartphone now more powerful than the early supercomputers. Current chips can cram over 10 million transistors into a square millimetre, and these can be scaled in 3D, giving us the storage solutions we have today. The problem for some applications is that silicon is quite rigid, and while it is not going away anytime soon, some applications want processors to be bendy.


At the risk of droning on about UAVs

Life, James Hein, Published on 26/11/2014

» A hot topic at the moment is UAVs, or unmanned aerial vehicles. Not the military drone kind but the one with four or six rotors carrying a camera and flying around the neighbourhood taking photos of video up to 4K resolution. The TV show South Park covered this issue in its own unique way and countries are struggling to cope with the legal ramifications of taking pictures over the backyard fence, through windows, above secluded pools and so on. Even innocent pictures like a real estate agent getting an aerial shot of the property can be an issue as one found out recently when part of the shot had someone sunbathing next door that was missed in the process before the billboard went up.


Web standard development in the pipeline

Life, James Hein, Published on 16/07/2014

» Samsung, Dell, Intel, Broadcom and others have started the Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) with the aim of uniting on standards for internet development. Or, in their own words, “will seek to define a common communication framework based on industry standard technologies to wirelessly connect and intelligently manage the flow of information among devices, regardless of form factor, operating system or service provider” and “it is our intention to create a specification and an open source project that will allow interoperability for all types of devices and operating systems”. For the moment this announcement is about there is to it, with more information to follow later.


Connecting becomes hard work in China

Life, James Hein, Published on 25/09/2013

» I was recently on a trip in China and while I was there I bought myself a SIMM with a data plan to use Skype and to play the game Ingress. As a technologically advanced and well-developed nation I expected that the communications system and technology in general would be advanced, stable and ubiquitous. I was wrong.


There's one born every minute

Life, James Hein, Published on 26/06/2013

» One of the latest acronyms in the IT world is BYOD, or bring your own device. In the US apparently nearly two-thirds of mobile workers pay for their own devices and of those a third says it affects their choice of employer. These figures come from global connectivity provider iPass. If these figures are accurate then the BYOD is a growing trend. More than 80% of those polled claim they are more productive at home. I'm not so sure about this figure, but the office did at least poll ahead of coffee shops and public transport.


World mobile expo focuses on tablets

Life, James Hein, Published on 06/03/2013

» For those lucky enough to attend, the Mobile World Congress (MWC) was recently held in Barcelona. Thailand was represented with John Nuvo seen wandering the halls collecting information. Ironically there were not as many new phones announced this year compared to previous ones. The focus was more on tablets and operating systems. MWC was larger in area this year and showcased plenty of devices; the problem was that not many of them were brand new. The existing phone range this year was, of course, quite broad _ from low-priced versions right up to large, fully functional fast-connectivity units like the Huawei Ascend P2 and everything in between.


Sorry Redmond, I'm just not feeling it

Life, James Hein, Published on 09/01/2013

» My parents bought a new ultrabook and it was my job to set it up for them. Since all new home computers now come with Windows 8 it was a chance to take the PC version of the operating system for a test drive. So far I am not impressed. One of the first things I did was install an aftermarket Start button to keep it closer to their previous Windows experience. There are a number of these available, most of them are free and not only return the Start button but some of the original Windows 7 functionality you may like. Take a look at a few of them and decide what things you want or need to have.


Apple's dominance pegged by Samsung

Life, James Hein, Published on 02/01/2013

» For those that remember I like to use this issue to summarise what happened in 2012. Last year was finally the year of the tablet PC, and at the same time the smartphone wars. Coming into the year Apple was the dominant player in both the smartphone and the tablet arena with the iPad and the iPhone. It looked like Apple was unstoppable and at the end of the year they were still the biggest computer company beating out Microsoft in total sales. Apple also took a bit of a hit with the loss of Steve Jobs, the main driving force and the individual responsible for putting the company in the strong position it was.


Court's Apple ruling sure to be appealed

Life, James Hein, Published on 05/09/2012

» The big news in the mobile-phone and tablet marketplace is the US-centric Apple win against Samsung in the United States. Many people regard this decision as ridiculous and think that it highlights how mercenary and capitalist Apple has become.