Search Result for “connected”

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It all began with a soapy TV 'moustache'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 18/09/2022

» With Liz Truss becoming the 56th British prime minister, it got me thinking about how many PMs there have been in my lifetime. The answer is 16, going back to Clement Atlee, which is a bit scary. In fact, while I was still residing in the UK there were only six PMs.


The green green grassing over of home

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/06/2022

» I am probably not alone in being a little surprised by the speed at which Thai authorities have performed a remarkable U-turn in their attitude to what is referred to variously as cannabis, marijuana, grass or, as it is most commonly known in Thailand, ganja. It wasn't long ago that the merest whiff of the weed would result in people being hauled off to the slammer.


Becoming Long John Silver just for a day

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/09/2021

» Important news. Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, on which everyone is encouraged to speak in the manner of a buccaneer, sea dog, corsair, picaroon or whatever you wish to call them. If you are desperate Captain Jack Sparrow impersonations will suffice.



Sometimes you just have to walk away

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/03/2019

» The Hanoi summit may not have gone quite as smoothly as planned, but I'll leave that for the experts to dissect. One suspects the expression "sometimes you have to walk" will be widely featured in forthcoming panel discussions. Nonetheless, the summit did have its entertaining moments.



Facing the music on a desert island

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/02/2017

» The daily news is so depressing it is time for a bit of unabashed escapism. Last weekend marked the 75th anniversary of Desert Island Discs, one of BBC Radio's most iconic programmes. The format involves celebrities being interviewed about their life and selecting eight records if castaway on a desert island. Each guest is allowed a book of their choice and an inanimate luxury.



Maybe smartphones are only for the smart

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/03/2015

» I had to sort out a mobile phone bill the other day and went with the wife to a shop to pay it. The young lady behind the counter asked to see my phone and almost choked when I handed it over.


A rolling stone gathers a lot of dollars

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 20/07/2014

» The hand-written lyrics of Bob Dylan’s song Like A Rolling Stone fetched a record US$2 million (64.3 million baht) recently at a Sotheby’s auction.


Happiness is … not a 5am kick-off time

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/06/2014

» Well, the generals have definitely displayed some nimble footwork in ensuring that the masses don’t miss out on the Happiest World Cup in Brazil.


Blowing the whistle on the whistle-blowers

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/11/2013

» One would think a highly lucrative business to be involved in at the moment in Thailand must be making whistles. You can't go anywhere in Bangkok without someone blowing a wretched whistle at you, whether it be protesters on the streets or those irritating guards directing traffic outside hotels and parking lots.


Where hospitality is simply a way of life

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 17/11/2013

» It is hard not to have been affected by the harrowing scenes from the Philippines city of Tacloban and neighbouring areas following the devastating typhoon.