Search Result for “concern”

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Big problems at fairy-tale castle

Life, Published on 19/06/2023

» Walt Disney released its newest Pixar animated film last week, but the heartwarming tale of fire and water falling in love is expected to deliver disappointing returns for the company that produced megahits like Finding Nemo and The Incredibles.


To selfie or not to selfie?

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/07/2015

» The photograph was fuzzy, but ironically, I clearly remember the moment of coming across it, and what was on it, as if it were just yesterday. It was a picture of a pale, blurry blob of a face, framed by jet-black hair tied in a low ponytail. On that face, lay an eager smile and two unfocused specks of flash in what appeared to be beady and squinty eyes. Two pale arms on the sides implied that the camera was already as stretched out as far as it could be. But all this happened a terribly long time ago, circa 1994, way before the ghastly concept of the selfie was born.