Search Result for “censor”

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Latest Google China bid will end like before

News, Adam Minter, Published on 20/12/2017

» In 2006 the Chinese government allowed Google to establish for Chinese internet users. In return, Google agreed to scrub results of content that the government found objectionable. The deal held until 2010, when Google decided it could no longer agree to such terms. Within hours, the site was blocked and Google's search business on the mainland was dead.



China's Great Firewall yet another trade barrier

News, Adam Minter, Published on 28/03/2017

» The San Francisco-based photo-sharing site Pinterest would seem to rank low on the list of potential threats to China. Beloved by fashion designers, photographers, cooks and hobbyists, the seven-year-old website is a global hub for the sharing of images, trends and ideas on topics ranging from living-room design to what to cook at your Saturday barbecue.



Why China muzzled an internet sensation

News, Adam Minter, Published on 26/04/2016

» Last autumn, Papi Jiang, a 29-year-old graduate student in Beijing, began posting short, satirical and occasionally profane monologues about daily life in urban China to social media. Within a couple of months, she'd racked up tens of millions of views, earned nearly US$2 million (70 million baht) in private funding and raised hopes that online celebrities might offer a new revenue stream for China's internet companies. Then, last week, it all ended: Papi Jiang's videos abruptly disappeared.


Behind the Great Firewall, China poisons the internet

News, Adam Minter, Published on 13/10/2015

» For years now, China's elaborate efforts to censor and control the internet -- collectively known as the Great Firewall -- have restricted what the world's biggest population of netizens can see and how fast they can download. Until now, that hasn't been much of a problem for anyone besides locals and companies such as Facebook and Google hoping to sell to them.