Search Result for “cdc chairman Borwornsak Uwanno”

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Route to a referendum

News, Published on 13/01/2015

» The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) seized power with several promises. One, often tested and sometimes found wanting, was the pledge to abandon populist policies. In truth, no modern nation, including Thailand, exists without such programmes. The vital question is not whether to wipe out everything populist, but just how to moderate populism in a way that benefits all, especially the nation itself.


Voters may get the right to impeach

News, Published on 11/01/2015

» The Constitution Drafting Committee has endorsed a proposal giving voters the power to impeach political office holders if similar action fails in parliament.


Impeachment could mean life ban under new charter

Online Reporters, Published on 10/01/2015

» Impeached politicians will be banned from politics for life under the new charter, drafters said on Saturday.



Reconciliation body 'needed to heal rifts'

News, Mongkol Bangprapa, Published on 09/01/2015

» A special body is likely to be introduced to address a decade of conflicts and divisions, said Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) chairman Borwornsak Uwanno.



Unelected PM plan winds back the clock

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 06/01/2015

» The first draft of the new constitution will not be available until Jan 12, but the public already has an idea what will be in the document.


Reform panel puts hurry-up on change blueprints

News, Aekarach Sattaburuth, Published on 06/01/2015

» National Reform Council (NRC) chairman Thienchay Kiranandana yesterday urged the council's 18 committees to speed up work on their reform blueprints and to keep strictly to schedule.


CDC sets out media rules for reporting

Published on 02/01/2015

» The Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) has announced rules for local and foreign media who want to observe the writing process.



Voting is the only way

News, Published on 29/12/2014

» The two bodies responsible for writing the constitution are hoeing a hard row. It seems, however, that the National Reform Council (NRC) and the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) are making the task more difficult than necessary. A recommendation that the next prime minister be directly elected took a week of sometimes heated discussion before it was dumped. Up next was the equally unpopular and needless debate over whether the prime minister should even be elected at all. Both the NRC and the CDC appear to be seriously considering this ominous proposal.



The big issue: Flip-flop of the year

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 28/12/2014

» Our betters of the Constitution Drafting Committee went into last week with a single issue on their minds. It was whether the Thailand of tomorrow should elect its next prime minister like the US and other republics elect their presidents — directly and nationally. The CDC's sub-committee on elections said "yes", great idea.



Charter drafters back MMP system

News, Mongkol Bangprapa, Published on 25/12/2014

» The Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) has decided to drop the current electoral system of MPs, opting for a German-style voting system which is likely to blunt the power of big parties and encourage coalition government.