Search Result for “business owners”

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Sister act

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 27/01/2019

» Thai people just can't stay away from khao gaeng, or rice-and-side-dish shops. It's like a relative they have to see everyday. Most Thai people eat rice with side dishes for at least one meal a day. This is why these shops are everywhere. A shop in a good location, close to the office and transportation hubs and that offers lots of options can quickly gain in popularity.



The evolution of coffee

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 20/01/2019

» In the morning, many people need to have their coffee. They spend that time planning what to do with their day. Sometimes, they try to go without coffee and their minds go blank. Coffee is special. It does its job well but in a contradictory way. It makes your body alert and relaxed at the same time.



A tour of taste

Life, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 05/10/2018

» The Vietnamese are no strangers to Thailand. Going back 230 years, to the beginning of the Ratanakosin reign, a group of Vietnamese were forced to move into Kanchanaburi province as a military troupe to protect the country from war enemies.



The costs of eating free

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 03/06/2018

» In the Kapoe district of Ranong province, one can find the charming Baan Rai I Arun -- a small, cottage-style resort built from lumber and bamboo directly harvested from the area. Inside, the resort is fitted with a classy array of rustic furniture. Outside, it is surrounded by a garden with mountains in the background, making it feel pleasantly faraway from life beyond the resort.



Market on the move

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 22/04/2018

» Here in Thailand, food can be found just about anywhere. Living in an area with no fresh market or grocery store? For Thais, that proves no problem. A mobile market, or rod pum puang, will find you. These shops on wheels, named in part after the Thai word for brunch puang, delivers fresh ingredients straight to your doorstep.



All good in your neighbourhood

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 04/02/2018

» Foods served at some particular restaurants may look nothing special. But once you've tasted them, you know you have to come back. Most such restaurants have never changed the way they cook. Their prices are highly affordable. And you can't beat the way they treat their customers. We sure love their down-to-earth and friendly manner.



Selling points

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 15/10/2017

» In making any type of business investment, the most important thing to consider is your customer base. This can be tricky as you have to guess what your target group wants. You might have to ask yourself these questions: What can people not live without? Where do people pass by in their daily lives? How can we accommodate those who prefer payment in cash?



From farm to table

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 20/08/2017

» The popularity of Western cuisine is growing in Thailand, one of the most likely reasons behind this being the initiative taken by embassies and chambers of commerce to show off their specialities abroad. These organisations host food festivals where they invite famous chefs to introduce their countries' most celebrated dishes and food products to Thais.



Mining for memories

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 04/06/2017

» Famed for its traditional way of life and architectural uniqueness, Old Takua Pa is fast on track to becoming a top tourist destination. But as it opens up to more visitors, does the ancient community risk succumbing to the overexposure that's impacted other tranquil hidden cities in Thailand?



If memory serves

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 14/05/2017

» Something strange happens to people who have been around for some time and adopted a certain taste for the past. At times, it could be so bad that may make them either nostalgic or fussy -- maybe both at the same time. They can get depressed thinking about the fact that nowadays Thai food doesn't taste the same as it used to. Those bygone dishes may look the same, perhaps slightly different, but they simply don't taste the same. Such a disappointment is hard to swallow.