Search Result for “borders”

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Brussels attackers were originally planning to target France

News, New York Times, Published on 12/04/2016

» The announcement on Sunday that the plotters of last month's Brussels terror attacks had originally intended to hit Paris again only heightened the growing concern among police and intelligence agencies that shadowy Islamic State networks could unleash new attacks at any time, and in other European capitals.


EU ignores rights crackdown

News, New York Times, Published on 10/03/2016

» The contrast was jarring: Just days after the police broke into the offices of an opposition newspaper using tear gas and water cannon, Turkey's prime minister was greeted in Brussels with offers of billions in aid, visa-free travel for Turks in Europe and renewed prospects for joining the European Union.


Pyongyang rocket shapes regional relations

News, New York Times, Published on 12/02/2016

» When China's leader, Xi Jinping, visited the United States' firm ally South Korea in 2014, it seemed to be the beginning of a promising courtship.


As more refugees arrive, altruism fades

News, New York Times, Published on 09/02/2016

» When the Syrian refugees first started streaming into Jordan's Ramtha, a bedraggled border town, Gassim al-Moghrebi was their tireless benefactor, distributing donations of food, money and clothes and sheltering as many as possible in two apartments he owned.