Search Result for “board”

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Les Miserables: The simmering rage of Paris

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 17/05/2019

» Cannes Day 2 witnesses the rage of Paris -- not the yellow wrath of gilets jaunes, but the brown-and-black anger of rundown suburbs that makes up the complex social structure of modern France.



Diving into the cave

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 09/01/2019

» Of all the films scheduled to come out in 2019, one will return Thailand to the headlines. Various projects based on last year's dramatic rescue of the 12 Wild Boars footballers and their coach have been touted, and now a Thai film has completed principle photography and is going through post-production.



A note on Thailand Biennale

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 02/01/2019

» One recent morning at Nopphrat Thara beach, the high tide flooded the lower part of a strange, interwoven structure. Rising from the blue water of the bay, it looked like an island, a new, unmapped island of Krabi visible from this popular spot where tourists visit and board tour boats to outlying islands.



Cinema Politico

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 14/12/2018

» The premiere of the social-commentary film Ten Years Thailand on Tuesday night saw a number of political celebrities in the vaulted foyer of the Scala, brushing elbows with journalists, film professionals and gawking onlookers. Sulak Sivaraksa was there, as well as historian Charnvit Kasetsiri, Thongthong Chandrangsu and several political-science scholars. Big names from political parties showed up: Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit from Future Forward, Parit Ratanakulserirengrit from the Democrats, Chatchat Sitthiphun and Wattana Muangsuk from Pheu Thai, Sombat Boon-ngamanong from Krian Party. Invitations had been sent out to all parties, according to the film producers, but no one from Palang Pracharat and Bhumjaithai attended the screening.


Wild Boars may well need saving again

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 21/07/2018

» I thought we could let it rest, but apparently the post-rescue drama of the 13 cave survivors is here to stay. On Wednesday, the 13 Wild Boars members were put on stage in a live broadcast, a 6pm state-run slot usually reserved for military propaganda.



Court cites national security to extend 'Shakespeare' ban

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 12/08/2017

» The Administrative Court yesterday rejected the complaint filed by the filmmakers of Shakespeare Must Die in which they asked for the ban on the film to be lifted, thereby extending a ban that has already lasted five years.



A shared history

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 28/07/2017

» At a military airport in Dijon earlier this month, the sky was bright blue, streaked with thin patches of clouds above the picturesque French countryside. Zooming ahead was a squadron of seven L-39C Albatross aircraft, slim and daredevil. The jets spewed trails of smoke as they flipped and flopped in acrobatic manoeuvres in ever-shifting formations, the sonic echoes shaking the ground as their trajectories inspired awe. Precise, exhilarating, powerful.



Embrace more invasion

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 12/05/2017

» The original 1979 Alien took leads from body-horror B-flicks and spawned many more -- it was inspired by The Thing (1951) and later influenced the 1982 The Thing in which "the thing", whatever it is, explodes from the chest and back of a hapless victim in a gruesome rupture. Now the Ridley Scott's reboot Alien Covenant revisits those sci-fi grotesquerie while also -- perhaps not necessarily -- philosophising what could have just been exploitation fun. More polished, more ponderous and less dirty, the new Alien movie bursts into life most gaudily when the space-beasts pierce through the flesh of their unsuspecting characters and we half-cringe, in an anticipation for more.



Coldplay thrill Bangkok with sound and spectacle

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 11/04/2017

» Thailand, according to Coldplay, is amazing. Coldplay, according to the 60,000 fans packing Rajamangala Stadium, is also pretty amazing -- no, maybe not "the best band in the world" as some gush on Twitter, but a top-quality package of dazzle, flares and fireworks, fan service, visual evocation and robust pop-rock-ballad sounds. If last Friday's gig were a movie, it was a blockbuster. It keyed you in excited and sent you out feeling entertained and satisfied.



Graft nosedive comes as no surprise at all

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 28/01/2017

» 'We're disappointed," said Sansern Poljeak of the National Anti-Corruption Commission. Sir, we're more disappointed, as citizens who pay tax without fail, to the government to help the NACC battle corruption.