Search Result for “bangkok metropolitan administration”

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A misguided bike plan

News, Editorial, Published on 04/06/2016

» The recent controversy over the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's (BMA) attempt to squeeze a bike lane between rows of large trees around Chitralada Palace has provoked a question on whether its overall bike lane policy should be up for review.



Shed light on BMA scandal

News, Editorial, Published on 06/05/2016

» Bangkok governor MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra came out swinging this week after he and other officials were accused of being responsible for irregularities in City Hall's 39-million-baht New Year light show project. Not only did the governor say he would not resign, he also threatened to sue anyone accusing him of wrongdoing.



Please splash responsibly

News, Editorial, Published on 13/04/2016

» Today is the beginning of another holiday and long weekend. The three-day Songkran holiday fortuitously falls just ahead of the weekend, giving many workers a five-day break. Then there are those who decided to take Monday and yesterday off, effectively tripling Songkran. It's a holiday that most people anticipate for the extended respite from work and the joy of celebrating, including the splashing.



Bulldozer bullying

News, Editorial, Published on 16/03/2016

» The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) seems to have its eyes fixed yet again on the small community at Mahakan Fort. That means, as most people know, the BMA is readying another attempt to oust the small village behind the iconic fort. The BMA has been trying to seize this area for years. It should not just call off the eviction attempt, it should entirely reverse course and encourage this community.



Clean-up efforts need more thought

News, Editorial, Published on 14/02/2016

» If your lover fails to give you flowers for Valentine’s Day today, you can thank the junta. The clean-up campaign that has swept through 39 locations in 21 Bangkok districts has arrived at Pak Khlong Talat flower market — which handles the vast majority of the roses, marigolds and more grown in Thailand and much of the imports — just in time for the busiest week of the year. More than 1,400 vendors were told on Feb 2 to move out by the end of the month under a notice from the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, which in turn takes its orders from the military regime. Surprise is an essential part of Valentine’s Day, but this is one the vendors could have done without.



A project for the people?

News, Editorial, Published on 23/01/2016

» From the very beginning, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's (BMA) 14-billion-baht riverside promenade project, which was endorsed by the National Council for Peace and Order, has been surrounded by controversies.


City needs character

News, Editorial, Published on 20/10/2015

» The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) will clear the last vendors, stalls and goods storage areas from Saphan Lek Market today. It is to be replaced with yet another bright, shiny area that officials believe will be much more attractive, particularly and especially for foreign tourists.


It's all a dry argument

News, Editorial, Published on 07/10/2015

» The government has unfortunately become involved in a dispute with farmers that should not have occurred. There have been testy exchanges from both sides. The root of the unpleasantness is water, or more specifically the lack of it because of extended weather conditions. In the main and unhelpful exchanges, authorities have made somewhat unrealistic demands and suggestions. The farmers have replied with defiant words, plus actions that seem certain to escalate the problems over the next few months, rather than ease the tension.


BMA's traffic snarl blues

News, Editorial, Published on 05/10/2015

» Bangkok governor MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra made some solid points about traffic last week. It boiled down to facts that others have made for decades, but with some new ideas on what to do about them. The undeniable truth is that no matter what statistics one wields -- the governor had an attention-grabbing new one -- there are more cars in Bangkok than can fit on its streets. 


Time to fix the cameras

News, Editorial, Published on 29/08/2015

» Many times when high-profile crimes are committed in Bangkok, police trying to solve them are frustrated by CCTV cameras that either don't work or, when they sometimes do, provide blurred, useless footage.