Search Result for “bangkok”

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Be wary of Chinese

News, Postbag, Published on 27/06/2017

» Re: "PM asks public to back Sino-Thai deal", (BP, June 21).



Trump attorney says president not under investigation

Associated Press, Published on 19/06/2017

» WASHINGTON - A member of the president's outside legal team said Sunday that Donald Trump is not under federal investigation, days after Trump appeared to confirm he was with a tweet about being the target of a "witch hunt".



Journalist Bob Halliday dies at 74

News, Published on 28/05/2017

» An esteemed Bangkok Post columnist, long-time resident of Thailand and friend and teacher to so many Thais, Robert Halliday passed away on Saturday following a complication from pneumonia. He was 74.



Time to adopt the Buffett proposal

News, Published on 19/01/2017

» President-elect Trump's criticism of our trading relationship with China, has produced predictable reactions. Economists warn against "protectionism" and the dangers of trade wars. Alarmed diplomats remind us of the American interest in maintaining good relations with China to deal with such matters as North Korea's threatening behaviour.



White House in-tray still looking a bit grim

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/01/2017

» When Barack Obama won the US presidential election more than eight years ago, the BBC commented that when he took over the White House from George W Bush a few months later, he would be inheriting "the in-box from Hell".


Don't count on a crash from a Trump trade war

News, Noah Smith, Published on 22/11/2016

» Talk of war is in the air -- trade war!



Leaks aren't always good for politics or journalism

News, Published on 19/10/2016

» Editor's note: This column contains language that some readers may find offensive Both journalism and politics now live in the leak culture, and both professions will be forever changed by it. Both have always benefited from leaks of some kind, from the officially authorised to the criminally filched. But today's ability to download and disseminate vast banks of information constitutes a new chapter in journalistic and political practice. Wikileaks has put US diplomatic cables in the public domain, followed by the much riskier leaking of sensitive files from the National Security Agency and that followed by the leaking of the Panama Papers, which showed how the rich secretly contrive to get richer.



There must be something about Hawaii

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 09/10/2016

» The most reassuring news of the week was that the leader of a much-discussed Thai delegation to the US-Asean conference in Hawaii only ate noodles and rice aboard the chartered aircraft.



Bangkok Trumpsters

News, Postbag, Published on 17/08/2016

» In the book Trump and Me by Mark Singer, Donald "Believe Me" Trump is variously described as a braggart, bully, swaggering buffoon, megalomaniac, narcissist and unpredictable demagogue with a need for total recognition.



Fit to print

Asia focus, Cai Liang, Published on 15/08/2016

» The newspaper business has endured a rough decade, with readership declining globally as young people in particular abandon print and the digital revolution radically changes the media landscape.